Monday, June 20, 2011


I need chow mein
lots of chow mein...
chow favoirate comfort food
I need so much comfort now..
well I am being comforted but its not my master
no its by guys who wish they could be my master -_-
how twisted..
I got accused of cheating on a test that I Worked really hard on
and after she said I was cheating I cried so hard
the first person I called was master
but then I thought would master want to talk to me?
I was right master was not going to talk to me for a few hours
he said I could tell him via txt..
his comfort words consisted of icic and really?
I felt like I was talking to a computer
the computer wont make me feel any better
icic doesnt offer anything to the conversation nor help me feel better
Yes master helped me not be pissed at the teacher now I was pissed at master ~_~
I first was really understanding why master couldnt call me im always understanding
then I thought about the last time master was actually there for me..
although it is rare for me to actually want master
Master has been there for me a few times it would be a lie to say he was NEVER there
master will say to me.."kitty your not psychological ready for this"
is it me who is not psychological ready?
or master who is unable to have relationships @_@
If master gave me-one- just -one- REASON why I should not be mad or dissapointed in him in his overall role as Boyfriend Or as his role as a Master I wont be dissapointed in Master..
but I am dissapointed really dissapointed
some days are relationships are AMAZING
other days master fucks up so much
and some days kitty fucks up too -_-
idk anymore..its normal but its also normal to count on your master the most!!~
I suggusted me and master take a "break"
but then I thought about it more..if i took a break I prob wont come back to being his kitty
not because master sucks..but because everyone will take the opportunity to steal me away and Lie to me about how much awesomer they are then master
its sad but true?
although I am like RAWRR FUCK FUCK SHIT SHIT BLAHH at the end of the day I still love master and I still want to be his kitty...*sighs* am i even sane? XD
just one thing I am sure of Is that I wont cry any more tears of oppa

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