Friday, December 24, 2010


Sadly my assignment on the ten things I want to change about myself is not done it is hard to think of ten things if I am rather content with myself the hardest catagory is the personality catagory but since I have not yet finished the assignment instead I decided to blog about what I consider the perfect sub it is hard to be perfect but it doesn't hurt to try to do the best you can! Theirs a quote and it says "shoot for the moon and you'll land among the stars" well something like that I want to strive my best
Some people believe in perfection and many people don't I believe in perfection

Perfect slave

A perfect slave can endure a vast amount of tourment without using her safe word she can endure so much because her ultimate goal is to please master by keeping this ultimate goal in mind the slave should be able to endure humiliating,painful or long periods of denial for master

A perfect slave does not grumble or complain when given a task or an assignment instead she does it to the best of her ablities not all tasks are easy some tasks can be quite troublesome or annoying but the perfect slave does not complain about how annoying it is instead she finds the best way to please her master

A perfect slave will be waiting for master at the front door naked kneeled with her head high up and he collar on she is waiting at the door eager to please master and also greet master

A perfect slave has no holes that are out of boundry for master to use as long as master gets pleasure from using the holes the slave doesn't mind

A perfect slave will accept her punnishment simply without if ands or butts if she has done something wrong she will simply accept it and get whatever materials master desires to punnish her and after the punnishment if it can be done the slave will correct her error

A perfect slave will also perform her orders without questions,excueses or hesitations

A perfect slave should be able to trust her master with her all her heart and all her soul trust is fundimental in this relationship without the ability to trust master it is impossable to get anywhere near close to a perfect slave

A perfect slave is willing to sacrifice something she has to master because master desires it

A perfect slave has nothing because her master has everything if she wants something she must go to master and ask for it

A perfect slave can easily be molded into what master desires like soft clay

Being a perfect slave will not happen in a week or two it takes time a master has to gently care for his slave and in time with his careful molding and guidance a somewhat near perfect slave will emerge

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