Friday, December 24, 2010


Do you know the feeling when you want to sleep butif you sleep it will never come close to reality? That's how I feel I wrote in my X Journal my X journal is a journal that contains all my secrets everytime I have shed a significant amount of tears I write it in the X journal but the X journal also contains people that enter my life people that I feel are signifcant to me I write an entire page about them..containing how we met what their personality is like if they have made me cry yet and my true feelings about in my X journal I wrote about Master theirs so much things I wrote :)
master today told me that he loved me! But it wasn't like how I imagned it in my daydreams *sighs* he dident evn say it romanticly but its alright because he said he wanted to have a limitless love a limitless love is a love that has no deffinition its just two people loving one another its not a couple or a marriage just a mutual feeling that we both love each other..I told some of my bdsm friends about this limitless love and they could not find the beauty in such a love but this kind of love is beautiful its not a love like in the movies its a love better then any movie and its not a love like in the book its a love better then any book!
I wonder if I would fit right in with his family..I know I won't fit in perfect but I know the basic rules!

1. never to give his family members a clock because the mandarin word for clock is simular to the mandarin word for death :o
2. Never write merry christmas cards or thank you cards or any cards in right ink because it carries bad connotations...
3. Never give anyone four flowers because four is connected with death :o but I also will avoid odd numbers because it is a sign of lonliness
4. when I give gifts to use both hands!
5.if we go out for dinner and I get a wet towel I will use it to wipe my hands not my face

Theirs so much hidden rules I'm probboly missing but that's all I can recall :o

For christmas I didn't get that much but I did get a lot of expensive things I got two cars one red buggy and one white toyata the buggy is brand new but the toyota is used its white and ugly -_- I'm jealous of my mom though she gets a BMW not for christmas but for motherdays rawr why couldn't they give me a bmw -_- but its ok my car is cute so I forgive them! I also got some perfume and dr dre headphones worn famously by gdragon in his mv heartbeaker

I also got a chinese cookbook! But why doesn't it have chow mein :( the time I meet master I'm gonna be a chinese cooking master juuuust like that one asian drama...

Me and master were playing a tic tac toe game where you had to focous on the picture as a whole but if you view the picture as a half and not a whole you will lose the game (like I did) while I was playing I thought that looking at the whole of situations is important like in bdsm if you want to mold your sub you have to look at your sub as a whole you just can't focous on one aspect and ignore others if you do that you will think that your doing a great job molding your sub but in reality by doing that somewhere you are ignoring is going wrong master has the ability to look at situations as a whole since he can look as a whole I'm confident he will do a great job molding me to his definition of the perfect sub :)

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