Friday, November 12, 2010

Good cupcakes

Today I told master something important regarding age difference's.
I was worried about telling him because I was worried that he would disown me and hate me.But I decided to take the odds and tell him because It would hurt him more if I hid it from him.So i planned out what i was going to say for about two or three days.The day that it was time to tell him I had to go to school but i decided to not go because I wouldn't be able to concentrate.So i stayed home and as soon as master cam online i told him about the age difference's it took about 20-25Min's to type it ALL out.After I was finished it was hard to press the send button I had to almost force myself to send it because I knew this would be the last message I would send him forever I expected him to be like HOLY FUCK and sign out and delete me from his life..maybe he would punish me and then delete me from his life..but I expected him to be boiling with anger!Because I would not be qualified to be the kitty that he wanted.But after i reluctantly sent the message he appeared rather calm he was like Really??!?!? but overall pretty calm my heart was pounding SO fast theirs always calm after the storm? or maybe it was the storm after the calm o.o? After I asked master if he hated me he said Nope not one bit i felt sooo happy I felt like...I visited the hello kitty theme park AND the hello kitty hotel (OMG) I want to meet daniel (hello kitty ex boyfriend that moved to austrlia)
Anyways its hard to describe my happiness and I am happy that i made the right choice to tell him...Because in the enddd it turned out alright maybe if i waited it would NOT turn out so good.

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