Bimbos need to think walk act and talk like a bimbo! Bimbos are very dumb they often don't spell right and make many many many grammar mistakes but they make up for these mistakes by being beautiful.Even if you are the smartest person in the room it is essential that you dumb yourself down.Guys don't want a smart girl they would prefer a dumb one not being dumb might just kill the guys mood.always use SMALL words Here is an ex sample of a email typed by bimbo applying for a job
Deer Sir,
I waunt to apply for the secritary job what I saw in the paper. I can Type real quik wit one finggar and do sum a counting.
I think I am good on the phone and no I am a pepole person, Pepole really seam to respond to me well.
I´m lookin for a Jobb as a secritary but it musent be to complicaited.
I no my spelling is not to good but find that I Offen can get a job thru my persinalety. My salerery is open so we can discus wat you want to pay me and wat you think that I am werth,
I can start imeditely. Thank you in advanse fore yore anser. .
hopifuly Yore best aplicant so farr.
Peggy May Starlings
She got the job!
Hair should be kept long and straight no way would a guy want to look down and see a girl with short hair bobbing back and forth he wants to see long beautiful hair bobbing back and forth.Plus long hair is significantly more attractive!
bleach blonde hair is preferred for the classic bimbo look but darker color hair styles are also becoming popular
Nails should be done at all times not grown! The nails sould be at least half an inch long And if the nails are french manicured get tips in white or pink it is recommended to use pink tips because it looks dumber.Their is a difference between good looking nails and tacky looking nails some exsamples of tacky nails are
Make sure your makeup matches your outfit do not wear dark Gothic makeup with a bright summer dress!If you are wearing lipstick makes sure to go outside of the lips to make the lips appear big this step of course could be skipped if you got collagen injections which is recommended!another alternative is to line your lips with lip pencil and then apply lipstick which would give the lips a more fuller look
(This can be ordered here
One size too small is always what you should keep in mind the clothing should be tight fighting showing a lot of body features skirts must always be short NO exceptions.Never wear panties panties will take longer to remove and thus take longer to please his awaiting "Hot dog"
bimbos need legs that look like they NEED to be touched to achieve this you need to shave or wax your legs.
and wear a sheer stocking the plus to this is now when your wet he will be able to see ur wetness trickle down your leg.Short shorts are also good think daisy duke
(daisy dukes)
Heels are essential! in fact it is one of the most important aspect the heels should be about 5" to 6" inch heels at all times this is important part of being a bimbo so be sure to take time to learn how to properly walk in heels it can be rewarding.

How to walk
Getting places quickly is not the main point of walking the main goal is to seduce men just by them looking at you don't be concerned about how slow your walking or how fast your walking be concerned about who is looking at you and your walking etiquette.investing in a butt plug would be a good idea so you can wiggle your hips from side to side here is the propper way to walk in heels taken from
glide through the foot with a gentle heel, ball, toe step instead of stomping down with the whole foot at once. This is known in some circles as a dancer’s trick and save you from knee injuries or possibly twisted ankles.
While maintaining your perfect posture (chest and butt sticking out, sucking that stomach) keep your head straight and eyes forward, and walk with purpose.
Now with the essentials out of the way, onto your lesson of walking seductively in your high heels. With each step that you take, your foot should crossover and land in front of the other.
You must ALWAYS be ready do not wear panties to further increase this readiness.Never start sex you may touch the man but never start the sex he will touch you when he is ready.You are his toy for him go along with any scenario he wants and do NOT blow your fuse before he does if he allows you to blow the fuse.Focus on his enjoyment and pleasure not YOURS some bimbos even cut off their clit to focus on his enjoyment and not their own.
Bimbos need bimbo friends having bimbo friends will allow you to be yourself and learn from other bimbos.
A secretary job is common for bimbos because it requires little work and may include having fun with your boss in his office every once in a while.
But a job at hooters can also be a great idea having big boobs is accepted and wanted at hooters along with wearing tight fitted shorts and tops working at hooters can introduce you to many bimbos and can introduce you men.Hooters offer a swimsuit competition and also a pagent competition and a chance to be on the calander.
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