I was thinking...but the question is will master appreciate me while the time lasts? ;)
But I was thinking
master is like a fread dough stick veary simple but so wondefull :D
but if you eat the dough stick with soy milk it creats a wonderful taste
me and master are like fried dough sticks and soy milk :)
Maybe a year ago i watched a drama it was not a popular drama but it still touched my heart in the drama the girl was dying but she kept a dairy of everything she wanted to do in life before she died it contained stupid things such as drinking and going on roller coaster's and what not and on day the doctors told her boyfriend that she had only one day left to live and she is going to die almost immediately after that one day has passed so the boyfriend stole her diary and copied everything down and the next day he did everything that she wanted to do before she died and their was some things she could not do due to her medical condition such things were like drinking so instead of drinking alchoal they drinked sparkling grape juice but he put it in a beer she had about 100 things she wanted to do and in the end she got all hundred things done..But I was thinking if i only had one day to spend with master what would i do? I originally had a big list of things but decided to cut it down to a realistic amount of things i could do in one day along with the most important things i would want to do
Warning:Some of these items are essentially couple items that couples do together me and master do not have a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship but instead a strong master/slave bond so I felt that the things in the list could be done I hope his girlfriend wont mind ;)
;) sorry can't explain too much with this picture use ur imagination ;)
I want to watch the sunset together it doesn't even have to be on a beach as long as we are together it should be great
I want to make shadows together late at night I can do a preatttyyy good bird! I can also do a random monster that eats everything ;) I guess my shadow creativity is a tad bit limited :o
Making people jealous of our amazing love at the mall :D haha we will hold hands and giggle a lot hah *sighs*
I want to get our ears pieced together! This is an industrial it would not suit me but it will surely suit master
I want to have a water gun fight!!!!! Woo ill bring my super soaker watergun! I bet they sell hello kitty waterguns mmmm...
I want to paint together :) a beautiful painting but I'm not much of a painter :o
I want to play video games together! I am not good with most video games..I am good at the hello kitty video game and also race car games..well mm
I want to blow bubbles together :D hehehe yayy bubbles
Skinny dipping! In the pool late at night haha itl be so fun I just hope nobody sees
I want master to wear these pajamas master can be the tiger and ill be pikachu!
I want to eat a small serving of chow mein together!
more pajamas...just because...
I want to make this heart in starbucks me and master would make such a cutee heart :D
mmm................::D :D :D :D IMAGINATION TIME :D
I want to do karoke with master! Ill surely win hahahahha!
I also want to sing karaoke with master!! :D ah I am a kareoke superstar ! I can beat master anytime!
I want to slow dance with master i dont know how to slow dance i might fumble a lot...but as long as i follow master lead itl be great :D
i want to make oragami roses but only purple roses because i heard if you fold 1000 purple roses and give it to your love the gods will bless your love..but we dont need to fold 1000..we are not in love or anything its just fun :D
I want to make chocolate together we will get all sticky and chocolatlyy hehe itl be fun but i dont like to eat a lot of chocolate so itl be good if we get chocolate molds so we can make like six three for master and three for me! but idk..if its good master might find one of his chocolates missing *giggles*
I want us to cook breakfest together! Something like omlets or what not
after our loong day is over i am going to be exhusted master must carry me on his back like a piggy back ride while hes carrying me ill whisper cute things in his ears

I want to make sure that we capture our whole day in pictures :D I love self cam pictures it is a lot of fun but idkk...i dont like this picture maybe its because i dont like donghae..mmm its weird i can name a lot of boys but not a single girl :o
I want master to kiss me like this is the last kiss he will ever receive in like 10 million jillion years i want a pasionate intimate kiss im sick of internet kisses :o
COUPLE T SHIRTS oK...SO We are not really a couple..but we can pretend? itl be soo cute we have to be matching head to toe
Today is christmas eve :D
so in the christmas eve spirts I drew a picture! my drawing skills are poor extremly poor..to be honest I really wanted to get master a gift for christmas but I doubt that he would have trusted me with his adress I had the best gift picked out :O It was a little expensive because but it would have fit him perfectly *sighs* maybe the next holiday :d
but anywayss my picture!

OOk...so I originally wasnt going to put chinese on there but then it looked so plain :O so i googled somee traditional chinese and it was super super supppper hard and then i googled some simplified chinese and it was justt super hard..:O it supposodly says merry christmas but then again..i didnt follow stroke order well -__- writing in marker is so stresfull! and the white things around my cat is xiaxue(snow) ^_^
my cat is from hello kitty her name is My melody
dont you think it looks a little like my melody :O?
my friends wasnt sure what kind of creepy creature i drew :O lol
but since we are talking about hello kitty i tried on a kimono! yayyy kimonos :D i looked alrightttttttt......I tried on a dark blue and a light pink one anyways I think my kimono bow looks like hello kitty bow what do you think?

Master said he doesnt want me fangirling at anyyy boys other then him
I wonder if master got used to my fangirling over him...i think at first me fangirling for him was awkward like wtf..why is she so excited and happy all i did was yawn but then soon he got used to the ideea of a girl who will always pay atention to you and think everything you do is cute rofl..mmm master hasent given me permission to fangirl over him so im still keeping it to a minimum
Master said...when he thinks of molding me he gets fuzyy and dizzyheaded mmmm.....:O
Update on the creep who i am "close friends with" she is STUPID Who in the world throws away friends like items..'OHHH i dont think i can talk to you because of your personality idk maybe if i want to il talk to you in a few months alright?" hahah it took soo much out of me to be civil i was pretty good to her i was a stranger and treated her kindly with hugs and warmth its sad because when she is "ready" to talk to me i wont be there and neighter will master i prey that when i get old I continue treating everyone nicely and not treating them like items to use and abuse
so whenever master says kitty we need to talk the first thing i think is oh god he doesnt want me anymore :O like what would i do without master? i would miss him sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much :o because i would miss him so much i must make sure i try extra hard to be the best kitty i can be :D and if that means not talking to a creep then thats how it will be
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