Saturday, December 25, 2010


I've been sending sublimial messages in all my post but I never really wondered if master received all the messages sometimes the messages were important..sometimes they were stupid and sometimes they were creepy but all the times it came from my heart some of the messages are stuff I really wish to tell master..
But anyways

Today me and master expirenced a new level of trust in our relationship! I feel that your computer pictures can tell a lot about you a lot a lot a lot for exsample! If you collect a lot of pictures of cars one can infer that you like cars! I wanted master to get to know me on a deeper level I wanted him to see things I like and things I've saved and allllllll my creepy emberasing pictures! I wanted him to get a closer deeper look into kitty he has a far way to go but it will go one step at a time :)master also saw my mom today :o I admit I could have shut off my cammera and hid my screen better but ir really didn't care much if master saw my mom and he expirenced me convosating with my mom dad and twin! He got to see multiple faces of me in a short time span I hope he really took this in..master hasent finished viewing all my pictures but its alright it doesn't matter

I've told master a couple stories about my childhood and about my past I hope he was listening..these stories will all connect soon when master discovers how I tick how I function why I function like this and other such stuff thhat shall be important later in the future when he wishes to mold me

Have you ever played with hard clay? It is hard to make shapes and certinily not fun! I feel that to mold someone they need to be "soft clay "soft clay is someone who is adaptable,stable,desirably young thus it is easier to adapt to conditions and NON resistant toward molding! But even if you have soft clay esentially the clay is useless unless you can keep it from going hard it needs to be cared for away from sunlight and heat if the clay is not taken care of the "soft clay" will go hard quickly..

I can compare bdsm to so many items...I feel that by comparing it to items I will become more equipt to do my job as
A slave perfectly and wonderfully in the future I actually find comparisons everyday! Lol someties the comparisons suck and sometimes its really a hit or miss game!

Today I was a bit sad but none of my friends could cheer me up I didn't smile for abouttt oneee hour! And then master skyyple called me and inwithin seconds I started smiling :o!

Master has been skyping a lot more with me I am so happy!

Master says I am a weird girl I really like puzzles and things that will increase my brains on my phone I have a lot of mindgames and what not stupid things I never have time to play..rofl I solved my cube a couple times and then I realised I should be using the time to program my calculator :o what kind of person programs a calculator tsk tsk tskk lol

Today I was on masters collarme profile and he wrote about me :o oh wow and he's also into trannys? Wtf? Susspicioussssss rofl loljk(ish) rofl :p

When I'm with master I feel something strange..I really cant describe how I feel...its a hard feelung to describe I just feel like serving and giving up everything to him master says he womt control me financialy yet but I feel if I did have a job id want him too control me financialy I reall do want to give up everything

Master is sick..i really wish I was there to check if he has a fever and stay up all night to see if hes ok...and in the morning when he wakes ill have chinese soup for him! Master realllly likes soup I hope I learn how to maje soup good lol ill have his mom help me he likes his moms soup he ate six bowls of her soup!

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