Today I met four Japanese boys for school :) they were soooo cute omg I am pretty sure my heart skipped a couple beats I asked the boys if it i could post a picture on my blog and they said yes they seemed really happy to be on the blog!
I am going to take that as a sign as they love me <3 :)
Master can get a girlfriend maybe i shall get a boyfriend mm...
master doesnt have any intrest in me a boyfriend would be nice
I wonder if he would allow me deffinitly going to bring that up later!
Anyways here are the Asian boys

left to right
That is ther nicknames I froget their real names sorry :O
I reallly like Hiro he has long hair and small eyes wayy cute :D
but yata is in the business management and he is getting his master degree he is 25 i like him a lot his english is sketchyyyy but he seems cool..
tomo kun I just want to squeese his little cheeckss *fan girl face*
yuuki...he was lame...
I really like asians and asain culture I find it really intresting to say the least I visited japan and went to many historical places it was extremly intresting I Learned a lot about the japanese culture during my stay in japan but i also relised that i wasnt to learn about other asian cultures like korea and taiwan and china etc. I study japanese at school it is hard sometimes i regret not dropping out rofl
this summer i am going to learn chinese i hope to learn about the chinese culture and language although im certain that the kanji will kill me :p
Although I like the asian culture my room does NOT look like this
Oh god no i am far from obsessed with the culture anime and manga the last anime i watched was maybe a year ago and it was a medical series and the last manga i read was also a medical series pretty good :D I am more into watching japanese/korean/taiwanese/chinese dramas like
This is iryu team medical dragon it is a great medical series!
And this is one litre of tears another great medical series every year around christmas time I watch this movie this movie is a true story and has truly changed my life forever
But that said no my room is not crazy and filled of anime and i do not dress up like crazy anime people everyday or pretend that i am a dog or a cat or any furry thingy in fact my room is quite boring a lot of medical books lol but I do have a lot of magazines i subscribe to..Bazzar,seventeen,teen vouge,vouge,scientific american,nylon,self,time
so my shelves look a bit like this
today i dressed up nice because i knew that the asian boys were coming :) so i wore a nice pair of heels and did my hair nicely and wore a short dress and put on makeup when i arrived at school i walked in my heels like a bimbo and also elegantly i got a couple cat calls from guys and boys that never noticed me suddenly noticed me :o I wonder if i should look nice everyday rofl one day i want to dress up and show master how beautiful i am :D but if i did that i cant take responcibility when he falls in love :p lolloljkjkjk
master sometimes disapears for days on end and sometimes i wonder if he ditched me or something but whenever i start to really miss him he always sends me a text sometimes it is just a :D but big message or small message it always makes me day
I wonder how he does it..I wonder how he has me wrapped around his fingers when he is barely even around? a usual sub would cheat on him a lONG time ago like maybe after the first essay but like 4 assignments later i am still doing strong!
master assignend me a project but i have a problem with the project >_< rawr i shouldn't have waited to the last week to do it rawr i wonder if he give alternative assignments...
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