jay park

or mike he

or lee hong ki

or teyang

or onew..
ok ok I'm done naming boys....but when he came he looked like JYP :o and it was the same boy :/ *sighs* How depressing :/ i had high hopes
A lot of my posts are vanilla :o the next post will surely be un vanilla! -_- I just need to finish my new years resolution asignment ugh where does master come up with these hard assigments (-_-) maybe he should be a professor he would enjoy it I think! I miss master :o but its ok bc whenever I think about him I giggle :p
I collect quotes...kinda so when I'm sad I tell myself some quotes..my favoriate quote (containse curse words )
"Stop waiting for little boys to verify wether you are the shit or not bitch if you are the shit you are the mother fucking shit"
Why do I like a quote with soo much curses :o I used to actually care what other people thought about me espicialy boys! But now I really don't care I don't need a guy to tell me I'm so beautiful every other second I KNOW I'm beautiful
I think a girrl having confidence like that is hot plus you can't be a bimbo without confidence and a great pair of legs ;)
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