Ahh I want to join the tango club!~ I want to wear a red dress with dramatic makeup and dance this passionate dance!~~ I want to show the world all the passion I have :D most schools allow non univ students to join the club :D me and master can dance!~? But he will prob be busy working no time for dancing xD
Master is heavily against chopstick feeding my guy friends it is too romantic too personal :o when master visits his friends I always think he chopstick feeds them lol I never knew he was so against it! This picture looks like two friends feeding each other!~ I want to do this with my friend also we can swap food lol he can try my chicken and I will try his hamburger sushi!~ but this activity is banned :p
This is what I want to ddo with master!~ feed him his bento box and he will smile and say ahhhh!~~~~~ feed me kitty and I want breast milk also!~
I have so much ideas I can't wait to do them all!~
Master thinks I am not worried about doing well in school but I know
if I get a bad gpa my parents will kill me
But I can't help wanting to join a million clubs ~.~
so much dancing clubs I want to join but I'm not good w/dancing (oops!)
I get so excited when I see a cool club so here's my club list
1.snowboard/skii club
2.kpop club!~***
4.dragonboat team***
5.lion dancing!~***
7.Medical volunteer club/research
8.icehockey..but no girls are on the team?
9.Asian medical club that goes to viet or korea to offer medical care
10.Running club!~
Who knows what else I find I will have to cut this list down
Due to pratice times and large time commitments
I will keep kpop club, dragonboat team, lion dancing and running club
Woah..that's too much still lol xD
I like how I kept all the asian clubs rofl =D
I heard some intresting rumors about ASA
Rumors about people in the club making sure non-asians felt unwelcome by cliching in groups and speaking only asian languages no english
its ok I watch dramas I know a little viet, cantonese, mandarin, taiwanese, korean and lots of japanese!~ so they can try to weed me out but ehh..I think I shall stay for a long time!~
I think that if I feel awkward in these clubs it will be for the best I can learn to adapt an important skill!
I am still learning my programming its hard for me
I want my club to have the best website :)
After I get better at it me and doug can bond over programming?
Master doesn't want me to have many close guy friends
Or many close girl friends because Master is my best friend!~~
Hehehe Master likes me :D
I think having close guy friends will be inevitable
Exsample joining the dragonboat team
Dragonboat team has around 40 guys with a smaller ammt of girls
The ratio to guy/girl is smaller because the team needs more strength on team
The team meets up a lot below is the pratice scheduel!
Sunday 9am-12pm
Tuesday- 6:30-8pm
Wensday- 6:30pm-8pm
The team is like a "family" and on other club websites that have a picture of everyone feeding one another
Mega cute picture!~
But that's just the dragonboat scheduel lion dancing has a lot of pratices also, but later in the day like 7pm
Lion dancing has 6 people 4 guys 2 girls..
This is what I immagined doing with my close friend or him doing to me?
2.Piggy back rides :D yayy
3.exchange chopsticks (1st pic)
4.Protect me from the rain (ahhhh!~ my hair)
5.Helps me with bs yea..jealous people hating on boobies!
6.Having a facebook album with sooo much pics of us!
Pictures of us everywhere :D
7.Do epic projects together! Like making sushi pillows (hehe)
8. Do the asian picture challenge!
9.Help me with math lyke a bunches
10.have a kazillion secrets
11.ooo sleepovers!!~ (yea..I know instant No. )
12.kareoke bar :D tottalllyyyyyyy
13. Finish each others sentence
14.exchange shoes with me if my heels hurt (ahhh my sassy girl remake)
15.Take care of me like joppi :D
But since close friends are banned I will stop my list there pretty basic things? Just having fun I like having fun and joking around its like my hobby hehe
I don't want to do anything that makes master mad :) so I guess ill treat my guy friends with a distance!~~
Obey kitty. Ahh..master is so hot love when he says
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