Thursday, July 28, 2011


 The human heart feels things the eyes cannot see, and knows what the mind cannot understand"

Limitless slavery is a form of a slavery involving giving up complete control to your owner. In limitless slavery, the slave gives up her rights to her Master. The slave has no property of her own including money, she forfeits her rights and property to her Master. In this relationship, the Master is obligated to provide the basic support needs to his slave, which includes shelter and food. But, how much food and where she lives is to decided by her Master. The most important aspect of this relationship is trust. Without the basic fundamentals of trust, a limitless slavery is difficult to achieve, trust will become the foundational knots that ties the relationship together.  The responsibility of having a limitless slave, can be daunting but the rewards far exceeds the extra responsibilities. Being a limitless slave to my Master I feel it can offer Master the opportunity to express his sadistic, creative side. Expressing his sadistic side, he will be able to find the hidden side of himself that is often left in the dark. Master wishes to hurt me, not entirely for his enjoyment, but rather out of love. I do not want to restrict his love, giving him the opportunity to express his love, to his fullest extent, without restrainment.

Limitless slavery, is sometimes called a taboo in the BDSM world. Many people consider it a fairytale, it is impossible for someone to love and trust a Master so much, that they forfeit their rights, and limits. Those who participate in limitless slavery, are able to experience the joy and beauty of slavery. Fulfilling the needs of their Master despite t he feelings they experience along the way. I will fulfill the needs of my Master, with the strongest emotions of happiness in my heart. Because, the pain I had to experience, is not pain at all, but rather his love for his slave. Wanting to experience this love, I feel a strong desire, a desire that leads me to crave the pain. Waiting anxiously for the next girl he will fuck, hoping he will fuck more, and puzzling over what lies in Masters sadistic heart for his Slave to feel. If cuckquean is just the top of his sadistic desires, then I want to feel the bottom. The bottom that includes whoring me out, and severe spankings. With this ideal in mind, I wake up filled with hope, and lust for pain. I say a mantra before bed, in my mantra, I have include a section dedicated to wanting to explore the sadistic side of my Masters love. The words, I have started to say are " Master, Please hurt me, hurt me as much as your heart desires, until you run out of pain to dish out. Your slave wishes to be hurt, and molded into the perfect Bimbo for your amusement." I have included that part, because I have again understood the beauty of the pain, and I do not want to forget the beauty of pain.

Endless boundaries for the expression of love, endless opportunities to hurt his kitty. But, limitless slavery is not focused on just pain, but rather has many dimensions. Dimensions that Master will explore with his power. Humiliating kitty, without her opposing, or whoring kitty out to his friends. What he can do with his power, has no limitations, the crucial part of a limitless slavery, is for a Master not to limit himself. Limiting himself to only one aspect of BDSM, or limiting himself to a few aspects of hurting his slave, many Masters become trapped in a box. An inescapable box, trapped in the mindset that they only have the powers to be a Master in certain aspects of their slaves life.

I am not yet a limitless slave, but rather a limitless slave in progress. In this progress, the hardest part for me is agree without begging or complaining. I will always agree to whatever he asks of me, but sometimes I find it hard to restrain myself from begging. But, that is a simple problem to correct over time this problem should be completely erased. Having this as my main problem, is not a limitation, but rather something that should be celebrated. Because it shows I  have the mindset to be a good limitless slave, but lack the final knots to tie it all together.

Limitless slavery is as beautiful as bondage knots. Limitless slavery and bondage knots are also similar by the importance of each knot, lacking one knot will cause the form to be broken, or less funtionable.  the first knot is the foundation, that will lay as the base of the relationship. This knot is trust, without trust the relationship will be lackluster. Instead of the beautiful enjoyable limitless relationship that it was intended to be, it becomes a forced relationships, lacking the beauty that once existed.  The second knot Is beauty, the beauty in giving up yourself to someone else. The ability to hand over your rights and wants to someone more superior to you, carries a strong undeniable beauty. Giving up your desires, for the hopes that your Master will fully enjoy himself, with whatever he wishes for you to do. Having one knot, but lacking the other is a liability to the limitless slave relationship. Although, the relationship might be able to still function, the true beauty of a limitless slave relationship has become lost.

I want our relationship to resonate with true beauty. Trusting Master more and more each day, making the foundational knot stronger. Trusting Master, I have shared with him the secrets of my past, and the wishes I have for my future. Everyday the foundational knot of trust becomes stronger. What I have have observed, is the stronger our trust with each other becomes, the stronger our love is, and thus we have started to see eye to eye on the beauty of being a Master and slave. The beauty has drawn us closer, and it will continue to become stronger as I am molded into being a limitless slave. The second knot, is not yet as strong as I would like, but everyday becomes stronger. Accepting Masters word as the law, and accepting without question. Being a limitless slave is far in the future, but our future will be beautiful. Sadistically perfect, Master hurting me with his love, while I complete his every desire. The true reward in a limitless slave is not power, but rather the beauty in having a slave so obedient and determined to do her best for her Master, fulfilling his wildest dreams, that he imagined was never possible.

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