Your friends play some effect on your emotions or outlook on life having an optomistic friend might make you a bit more optomistic
Do you believe in reincarnation? That's the first thing my old friend told me when we first met not hi I'm ____________ it was a bit strange rofl
The old friend I'm talking abt is the same one where we drink a lot and had mysterious nights with she has been depressed for a while and still is she asked me if I want to test terms of dying or injuries by that we both do somthing stupid and test where it will take us in her case she hopes for death she has outlined a nice plan for our test we will test to see if redbull vodaka and coffee will affect our CNS and what is the after effect of such things coffee and redbull both raise your heartrate and vodaka can lower your heartrate but if it doesn't affect our CNS we will have the funnest time ever!~ stupidly hyper and laughing so loud it should be fun I feel that my friend has been trying to make me sad so this stupidly hyper after effect sounds good! But what if it does affect our CNS..what ifs are bad to think
about my friend is intrested in kpop it should be fun singing kpop she can appreciate links I send her :) nobody really appreciates links I send them although I always apreciate links! A good exsample would be today I wanted to show master a link so jokingly I said masterrr!~~ if you reallly loved me you would listen to this whoooole song and master just replied I hate if you really loved me statements o.o I was like :( my friend told me to take it as he reallly doesn't love you THAT much then master said he would watch it but it doesn't matter his first reaction was no so his second reaction doesn't matter
Masters friend is scared of me...although it hasent been the first time or the second time or even the third time that this kinda of thing has happend to me even though I've heard this many times it still hurts..but even though today master openly said he was scared of me I knew all along he was scared..
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