If you read haru haru you would have known that I have accepted in my heart that master could have -A- girlfriend untill we can meet and live togetheer and whatnots!but it wasn't till today that master told me that he wanted MULTIPLE girls all during our relationship even if we get married and grow old..black girls,spanish girls,asian girls,girls with big boobs,girls with small boobs,girls with big eyes,girls with small eyes,hairy girls,shaven girls etc etc. Master wants to play with his fantasy and try out multiple girls! After he said that I couldn't help but feel a bit sad/disgusted..master wants to have one girl which takes care of him and knows him and is esentially his ideal girl but what's with these other random random girls? What's the point of an ideal girl if you want to have multiple diffrent girls?? A bit contradicting his ideal girl will actually esentially be his 2nd option when he gets bored of these random girls mm..if master has told me this earlier I would have kept a distance from him not a far distance but deff wouldn't let my heart get tooo excited with him its esentially setting your heart up for heartbreak! How cruel is it that you've changed you whole self to please a guy and he just goes and fucks other girls? Master says he wants someone with a charitable good heart but I wonder how good this is? After master said his whole speech about wanting multiple girls suddenly I wasn't so excited to reply back to his messages :/ but what shall I do? Master wants/needs other girlfriends to fully complete his fantasys?master said he wouldn't get a girl because it will hurt me but..not letting him get multiple girls will hurt him mmmm bearlier this week I felt like I had stepped two steps forward with master being his kitty but why do I feel like I stepped 3 steps back?
Master set some resolutions for me this year quite impossable...I worry what the rest of the list looks like
I feel like when I'm on break I get LESS sleep then when I'm at school -_-
Master sent me pictures of hello kitty and daniel he saw them at the malll I would love to post it but some people are in the picture including a cute smalll child! So I won't if I ever feel like photoshoping it though I will deff post it on the blog! Master is really nice taking pictures I really don't expect pictures of anything master does I'm happy just knowing what he ate for dinner and what he did rofl but kinda more intrested in dinner! I learned a lot about chinese food
I've created a super asian plan!
Any really big eloborate plan I call a super asian plan because I notice some asians are extra smart rofl anywayss
Master wants me to study mandarain and cantonese! So what I will do is I will take manadarain classes and then self study cantonese once I get the tones right I should be ok? I self studied korean and japanese and my korean sounds normalish! But like in japanese as long as you know how to pronounce the letters you can say anything exsample:
Watashi wa kawaii desu! If you knew how to say the letters correctly you would be able to say this sentnece really nice but you might not know what it means..this sentence means I am cute!
Actually tonight I'm not really inspired to blog much :o
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