I am that ordinary kind of person that finds hope in little things but one thing that I can always find hope in is quotes here are SOME of the quotes that I know by heart ^_^ or quotes that I seem to follow a lot
“A girl is just to innocent when she is fooled on the first time. But she is too naive if fooled for the second time. And if she is still fooled for the third time, she is stupid.”
Clear skies will mean you are happy. Rain will mean you’re crying. Sunset means you are embarrassed. Night will mean you are gently holding me.”
(Its stupid right to think this..when I miss someone and their far far away *cough* master I look into the sky and decide what emotion he is feeling it's a bit emberasing to admit that :p)
It’s not like a manga where you can say that you accidentally fell and your lips met”
(hahah I have to remind myself of this quote many times lol its NOT like a manga or a drama..)
"Just smile and there’s nothing you can’t overcome.”
(soo true ^_^)
This quote I know by HEART!
Nice men are ugly.
Handsome men are not nice.
Handsome and nice men are married.
Handsome, nice and unmarried men are useless.
Handsome, nice, unmarried and rich men are not interested in us.
Handsome, nice, unmarried, rich men who are interested in us are players .
Handsome, nice, unmarried, rich men who are interested in us and faithful are homosexuals.
Handsome, nice, unmarried, rich men who are interested in us, faithful, straight and who would not lose interest in us even if we made the first move… those men must have problems!”
(mmm Where does master fall in this catagory...)
“This is how I am. If you can’t stand it, shut your eyes and go to sleep.”
Another thing I want to do for master is make bento boxes for him to eat at lunch
Making bento boxes are cheap and we can save money the money that we save can be put to better use :D and it is much healthier for master to eat a nice balanced meal instead of buying out a lot! PLUS how would you feel after a long day at school or work and you see a cute litle bento box made out of love? and a cute sticky note attached? I think I would feel quite loved and happy to eat whatever creation that was prepared!
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