I was thinking...but the question is will master appreciate me while the time lasts? ;)
My goal: To make myself a better Bimbo/Slave
1.Perform workouts more intensenly even in the cold because in the cold weather I often flake out and not excersise.I also want to try excersiing in heels althugh it sounds a bit dangerous It will make me better in heels and often does a great job sculpting the body!
2.Eat more healthy I do not eat healthy during the week although at school I have an option to eat healthy I often choose to not eat healthy.Due to not eating healthy I also feel my workout has not been making much progress because I am not having enough calorie defficent.
3.Wear more makeup It is really rare that I rare makeup although I used to at some point wear makeup everyday.Master saw a picture of me with makeup on without glasses and he did not recognise me I am not sure if that is bad or good but either way Master should see me looking beautifull everyday.
4.make sure to use appropriate face products to ensure that my face is pimple free and absent from any blemishes
5.make sure to keep my body nice and healthy! Having a sick slave is useless so I should always be healthier then master no matter what
6.make sure to keep my hair nice and strong and soft and my teeth shiny and white so I can look my best for master and and this will allow master to have the best trophy girlfriend!
1.Finish assignments quicker without having to be remainded to do them and also not wait to the last couple days to turn in assignments because the quality level will show greatly!
2.Being more available to please cocks by having easier acess and an open mind toward the fact that my goal is to please cocks and not to worry about my personal pleasure
3.being more sexually apealing with short outfits that expose more clevage and shorter shorts that expose more leg it is important to stay up to date on fashion because before I can pleasure anyones cock I first need to attract them to me the most important thing about clothing is not wearing panties!
4.I must believe that no matter what anyone says or how girls look at me with disgust I AM the hottest bimbo thinking of myself as a bimbo will also aide in accomplishing other things needed to change my attitude
5.willing to try new things! As a bimbo I should be willing to accept sex as long as it is in a safe place even if I get crazy sugguestions on where they want to have sex I should keep my mind willing and open regardless of time,weather or any other annoying disturbances that might affect
Social functions
1.make bimbo friends some cliches have more bimbos then other if I am a part of a bimbo cliche I will be able to get tips about blow jobs and any random bimbo help I may need it could be rewarding
2.put masters sexual pleasure before anything if I am at a function and master is horny I must find a way to sneak away so I can go and please master sexually
3.make more bdsm related friends if I made more bdsm related friends I could learn from them and see how I can improve myself as a slave and maybe they can learn from me it would also be a great expirence to hear the life of someone who is with their master actively as a full time live in slave if I knew what their life was really like
4.wear no panties at social events just in case someone or master wishes to use me during the social event having no panties will make the quick bang faster and more convenient!
5.know my place as a bimbo..as a bimbo it is common for people to stare at my short outfits and big boob it is important that as a bimbo I accept my place at these social functions instead of bringing myself down to a level that is not a bimbo
Job functions
1.not to forget my duty as a sub during work such as master requires that I masturbate 4x in a 8 hour span I should not forget masters orders and carry them out on my breaks
2.if master and I both have the break at the same time nearby I should make an effort to meet master so I can please him if master needs to have a release while pleasing him I will not think about my needs
3.making sure that before work master gets a nice cup of coffee withh squirts of my breast milk into the coffee to make his coffee sweet and delicious so he will then have the energy to go to work
4.during lunch breaks message master pictures of me playing in the bathroom to show master that I am completing my tasks and also that I am thinking about him
5.if acceptable allow people at my work to call me kitty
1.be more mysterious master can read me like a open book he can easily see my moods but I read online that mysterious women are hotter and more attractive to men and it keeps them intrested
2.think more logicaly and less with my heart because as a bimbo I will be extremly beautiful many guys might chase for me it is important that I have the ability to think with logic and heart not all guys chasing me will be nice or gentle some might get upset and try to hit me
3.believe in myself! Believe that I am the hottest the prettiest the best bimbo having the confidence is a big part of being a bimbo no matter what neverr stop believing in myself
4.be stronger being a bimbo might be a bit harder on my highly religious parents but I need to be strong and not let their christian ideals influence me
5.strive to be the best master only has one bimbo he needs to have the best bimbo not any 2nd rate bullshit but the best!
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