Oppa=older brother in korean
About a week ago I wanted master to be my oppa! But master said no to incestous I was really sad it felt like I had been rejected mater didn't want to be the most important thing in my life =l being oppa is super important to me I spent the remaindeer of the week searching for my new oppa but master seemed to be the only person that fitted the title oppa then last night master told me he wanted to be oppa I was like -_- although I want him to be oppa it seemed like it was more of a pity gesture because I was sad...but he insited master said he has fallen more in love and wants to be the center of my attention :o wahhh he fell more in love in a few days!~
so now master is my oppa yayyy!~ he wants me to call him master oppa but it sounds weird o_o it has to sound cute!~ so for now ill just say oppa I'm so happy he's my oppa
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
This week has been quite busy ive been talking to master a lot im so happy to talk to him! He really does make my day! I like talking to master after having a stress full day at school! Master called me last night i was so shocked..when i recieved the call via googlevoice the automatic teller said.. Master is calling would you like to answer? I was like mm..Master is calling do i know anyone else named master? Mm..yea its prob a wrong number so i pick up and its master yayyy!~~~~ i want to explain how i felt when he called but its a bit hard my heart was racing sooo fast ahh!~ he called?!?!?
On sunday i went to the mall to get a wax to remove hair on my vagaina and make it extra smooth! Online some ppl say they go to nail spas to get waxes... Sooo i sign in blahblah and thenn this asian boy that looked like john park came out with super perfect flippy hair and he asked me if i was ready for a wax ? I looked at him up and down and then told him i wanted to get starbucks super quick before he starts and so i ran into the mall to get starbucks and never returned o_o how could i let a guy/anyone other then master get close to my area? When i told master he was like :( but its not fair i didnt even fangirl over john park! In fact i walked away from the situation if i was fangirling id gladly hop on the waxing table and make him wax away! Recently i have been doing less fangirling a loooot less lol i love fangirling over matser
Master told me my boobs were saggy :( :(
When i skyped with master last night he had a diffrent look in his eyes..in his eyes i saw love maybe for just a few seconds but i saw love in his eyes when he looked at me..Best few seconds everr!~
On sunday i went to the mall to get a wax to remove hair on my vagaina and make it extra smooth! Online some ppl say they go to nail spas to get waxes... Sooo i sign in blahblah and thenn this asian boy that looked like john park came out with super perfect flippy hair and he asked me if i was ready for a wax ? I looked at him up and down and then told him i wanted to get starbucks super quick before he starts and so i ran into the mall to get starbucks and never returned o_o how could i let a guy/anyone other then master get close to my area? When i told master he was like :( but its not fair i didnt even fangirl over john park! In fact i walked away from the situation if i was fangirling id gladly hop on the waxing table and make him wax away! Recently i have been doing less fangirling a loooot less lol i love fangirling over matser
Master told me my boobs were saggy :( :(
When i skyped with master last night he had a diffrent look in his eyes..in his eyes i saw love maybe for just a few seconds but i saw love in his eyes when he looked at me..Best few seconds everr!~
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Pretty boi
Your friends play some effect on your emotions or outlook on life having an optomistic friend might make you a bit more optomistic
Do you believe in reincarnation? That's the first thing my old friend told me when we first met not hi I'm ____________ it was a bit strange rofl
The old friend I'm talking abt is the same one where we drink a lot and had mysterious nights with she has been depressed for a while and still is she asked me if I want to test fate..in terms of dying or injuries by that we both do somthing stupid and test where it will take us in her case she hopes for death she has outlined a nice plan for our test we will test to see if redbull vodaka and coffee will affect our CNS and what is the after effect of such things coffee and redbull both raise your heartrate and vodaka can lower your heartrate but if it doesn't affect our CNS we will have the funnest time ever!~ stupidly hyper and laughing so loud it should be fun I feel that my friend has been trying to make me sad so this stupidly hyper after effect sounds good! But what if it does affect our CNS..what ifs are bad to think
about my friend is intrested in kpop it should be fun singing kpop she can appreciate links I send her :) nobody really appreciates links I send them although I always apreciate links! A good exsample would be today I wanted to show master a link so jokingly I said masterrr!~~ if you reallly loved me you would listen to this whoooole song and master just replied I hate if you really loved me statements o.o I was like :( my friend told me to take it as he reallly doesn't love you THAT much then master said he would watch it but it doesn't matter his first reaction was no so his second reaction doesn't matter
Masters friend is scared of me...although it hasent been the first time or the second time or even the third time that this kinda of thing has happend to me even though I've heard this many times it still hurts..but even though today master openly said he was scared of me I knew all along he was scared..
Do you believe in reincarnation? That's the first thing my old friend told me when we first met not hi I'm ____________ it was a bit strange rofl
The old friend I'm talking abt is the same one where we drink a lot and had mysterious nights with she has been depressed for a while and still is she asked me if I want to test fate..in terms of dying or injuries by that we both do somthing stupid and test where it will take us in her case she hopes for death she has outlined a nice plan for our test we will test to see if redbull vodaka and coffee will affect our CNS and what is the after effect of such things coffee and redbull both raise your heartrate and vodaka can lower your heartrate but if it doesn't affect our CNS we will have the funnest time ever!~ stupidly hyper and laughing so loud it should be fun I feel that my friend has been trying to make me sad so this stupidly hyper after effect sounds good! But what if it does affect our CNS..what ifs are bad to think
about my friend is intrested in kpop it should be fun singing kpop she can appreciate links I send her :) nobody really appreciates links I send them although I always apreciate links! A good exsample would be today I wanted to show master a link so jokingly I said masterrr!~~ if you reallly loved me you would listen to this whoooole song and master just replied I hate if you really loved me statements o.o I was like :( my friend told me to take it as he reallly doesn't love you THAT much then master said he would watch it but it doesn't matter his first reaction was no so his second reaction doesn't matter
Masters friend is scared of me...although it hasent been the first time or the second time or even the third time that this kinda of thing has happend to me even though I've heard this many times it still hurts..but even though today master openly said he was scared of me I knew all along he was scared..
soo valentines day sucks mostly because I never had a valentine -_- so from like january-feb 14 im like -_- blahhh but
I was thinking about the PERFECT boyfriend does it exsist?
Well no theirs no such thing as the perfect boyfriend but if their was my perfect boyfriend would fit these requirements
1.He would look sexy in a suit
2.He would have nice side swept perfect hair *ahhh drools*
3.Plays me lovs on his guitar
4.has a hoodie obssession just like me
5.blonda hair OMFGGZZ *MAJOR DROOL* but then again blonde hair is a miss or hit thing
6.I must have -ALL- of his heart I dont want half of his heart or a little bit..I want him to love me with all of his heart
7.He has to be a bit childish
8.He has to be stylish!
9.Nice side view and also has peircings!
10.loves kids ^_^
11.Cute funny faces that makes me laugh
13.He must be classy not too cheap saving is good but sometimes spending is also good
14.But most importantly the only one I legitly care and activly search for is a guy that loves me more then anything..A guy that will give me his jacket in the cold to make me warm the guy that always trys his best for his girl the kind of guy that loves me through thick and thin :D
Does the perfect guy even exsist?
amazonaws.com/b812068d909120a6bcf4c6fd0106cbcc_large.png" border="0" alt="" />
I was thinking about the PERFECT boyfriend does it exsist?
Well no theirs no such thing as the perfect boyfriend but if their was my perfect boyfriend would fit these requirements
1.He would look sexy in a suit
2.He would have nice side swept perfect hair *ahhh drools*
3.Plays me lovs on his guitar
4.has a hoodie obssession just like me
5.blonda hair OMFGGZZ *MAJOR DROOL* but then again blonde hair is a miss or hit thing
6.I must have -ALL- of his heart I dont want half of his heart or a little bit..I want him to love me with all of his heart
7.He has to be a bit childish
8.He has to be stylish!
9.Nice side view and also has peircings!
10.loves kids ^_^
11.Cute funny faces that makes me laugh
13.He must be classy not too cheap saving is good but sometimes spending is also good
14.But most importantly the only one I legitly care and activly search for is a guy that loves me more then anything..A guy that will give me his jacket in the cold to make me warm the guy that always trys his best for his girl the kind of guy that loves me through thick and thin :D
Does the perfect guy even exsist?
amazonaws.com/b812068d909120a6bcf4c6fd0106cbcc_large.png" border="0" alt="" />
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Haven't blogged in a bit!!
A lot has happend over the past fewish days!
I have decided to try my luck and graduate one year early applying for schools all over cali focousing in san fran area though because the kpop bowl is in san fran! And most concerts are in san fran yayyy me and master can go see onew oppaaa!~~~~~ school is expensive lol it would be almost free to go to school in florida but *shrugs*
I really really really want to be masters trophy girlfriend! The girlfriend that all masters friends are like blahhhh! She's soo hot I want her the girlfriend with the biggest sexiest boobs that defy gravity..master said in asia I would be the hottest girl because my boobs and outfit would attract so much attention! I like the idea of being really sexy getting lots of stares I also like the idea of being a trophy girlfriend but I really like the idea that Ill look like a nice little fucktoy
Master said implants were expensive 10k holy fuck how the hell am I gonna pay 10k o_o I don't even think you can put 10k on a credit card!! Lol
On wensday..I was so upset sad mad angry annoyed at master -_- master told me no matter what he won't ever force me to do something I don't want to do and he will respect my decisions because he loves me etc etc.but on wensday at around 2amish master asked me to webcam chat and masturbate and I did not want to because I was hairy and I didn't want master to see me up close so hairy ugh..-_- but then master asked again and I told him I don't want my first memory of masturbating with master to be like that and then he tried guilt tricking me into going on cam and after that failed him he was like ok whatever don't go on webcam for master because of your needs at that moment I was like fuck this -_- I was so upset but my first reaction was tears and then I decided I would go to sleep -_- I felt tricked and almost like he lied to me he didn't respect my decision and he was peer pressuring me while I'm busy. "Sleeping" I get a jillion messages from master my phone had a spazz attack he appologised gave an excuse and I forgave master it still felt like a slap in the face though I stayed up all night for him and he thanks me by peer pressiring me to do something I did not want to do
masters friend is soo cutee!~ but he sounds really lame and a bit boring
*sighs* but its ok he's cute haha
Poly relationships?
I don't want a poly relationship more like poly sex buddys like if me and master get bored we just call our poly friends over. And have a great time in bed :D two girls one girl? Two guys one girl? It would be fun to have a threesome? But I am a jealous person I wonder if master is a jealous type but I don't think ill get jealous of a poly sexbuddy rofl unless master is likee kitty why can't you do _________________ like *insert poly friends name* lol
A long time ago master was a bit worried that me and him won't share enouugh intrest bc of our music taste and hobbys etc etc. But now I feel me and master share lots of intrest and I'm even starting to. Like his music! Wahh :D master likes old music old old old but I like younger music with hot boys!
I got a bruise because I accidently hit my theigh on a wall the bruise is black and blue and pink now grosss! A bruise is a popped blood vessel! Because I bruised so easily from the wall I'm a bit worried that I will bruise easily when master punnishes me in the future..:o a long time ago I was with another master he told me to put clips on my nipples and some other spots on my body it hurt soooo much ahh he told me its ok its supposed to hurt after I took it off it hurt soo bad! But he said its ok its supposed to hurt the next day I looked on my nipples and I saw a weird looking blackish spot that hurt it kinda looked like a bruise I told master and he told me its impossable to get a bruise from clamps on your nipples but I was a bit suspicious and further examined it and it was surely a bruise of some sort after tat incident I did not talk to that master again but the bruise is still with me..I never used a clip again to be honest I'm a bit scared of clips now..another accident that occured was when I was with another masteer he was into gothic subs he told kitty he wanted her to have a lip peircing so I said no so he came up with a makeshift peircing just use an earing and place it on your lips so I did so (stupidly) and it looked cute but after a while I tasted something salty it was blood the makeshift lip peircing cut myy lip ouch! The cut left a line on my lip when I first got the line I was so humiliated my perfect. Lips. Looked weird and creapy...but after a while it was ok..I never spoke to that master again the trend is..once they hurt me physically I can't stand to be with them again
But Master is the bestt!~ he sung me I need a girl by taeyang ahhhhhhh I almost died!~his korean was bad lol but his voice was sooooooooooooooooo cute and his expression ahhhh master wa soo sexy :D I have the sexieest master ever!
He's so kind so sexy so caring and so complex I love him :D
A lot has happend over the past fewish days!
I have decided to try my luck and graduate one year early applying for schools all over cali focousing in san fran area though because the kpop bowl is in san fran! And most concerts are in san fran yayyy me and master can go see onew oppaaa!~~~~~ school is expensive lol it would be almost free to go to school in florida but *shrugs*
I really really really want to be masters trophy girlfriend! The girlfriend that all masters friends are like blahhhh! She's soo hot I want her the girlfriend with the biggest sexiest boobs that defy gravity..master said in asia I would be the hottest girl because my boobs and outfit would attract so much attention! I like the idea of being really sexy getting lots of stares I also like the idea of being a trophy girlfriend but I really like the idea that Ill look like a nice little fucktoy
Master said implants were expensive 10k holy fuck how the hell am I gonna pay 10k o_o I don't even think you can put 10k on a credit card!! Lol
On wensday..I was so upset sad mad angry annoyed at master -_- master told me no matter what he won't ever force me to do something I don't want to do and he will respect my decisions because he loves me etc etc.but on wensday at around 2amish master asked me to webcam chat and masturbate and I did not want to because I was hairy and I didn't want master to see me up close so hairy ugh..-_- but then master asked again and I told him I don't want my first memory of masturbating with master to be like that and then he tried guilt tricking me into going on cam and after that failed him he was like ok whatever don't go on webcam for master because of your needs at that moment I was like fuck this -_- I was so upset but my first reaction was tears and then I decided I would go to sleep -_- I felt tricked and almost like he lied to me he didn't respect my decision and he was peer pressuring me while I'm busy. "Sleeping" I get a jillion messages from master my phone had a spazz attack he appologised gave an excuse and I forgave master it still felt like a slap in the face though I stayed up all night for him and he thanks me by peer pressiring me to do something I did not want to do
masters friend is soo cutee!~ but he sounds really lame and a bit boring
*sighs* but its ok he's cute haha
Poly relationships?
I don't want a poly relationship more like poly sex buddys like if me and master get bored we just call our poly friends over. And have a great time in bed :D two girls one girl? Two guys one girl? It would be fun to have a threesome? But I am a jealous person I wonder if master is a jealous type but I don't think ill get jealous of a poly sexbuddy rofl unless master is likee kitty why can't you do _________________ like *insert poly friends name* lol
A long time ago master was a bit worried that me and him won't share enouugh intrest bc of our music taste and hobbys etc etc. But now I feel me and master share lots of intrest and I'm even starting to. Like his music! Wahh :D master likes old music old old old but I like younger music with hot boys!
I got a bruise because I accidently hit my theigh on a wall the bruise is black and blue and pink now grosss! A bruise is a popped blood vessel! Because I bruised so easily from the wall I'm a bit worried that I will bruise easily when master punnishes me in the future..:o a long time ago I was with another master he told me to put clips on my nipples and some other spots on my body it hurt soooo much ahh he told me its ok its supposed to hurt after I took it off it hurt soo bad! But he said its ok its supposed to hurt the next day I looked on my nipples and I saw a weird looking blackish spot that hurt it kinda looked like a bruise I told master and he told me its impossable to get a bruise from clamps on your nipples but I was a bit suspicious and further examined it and it was surely a bruise of some sort after tat incident I did not talk to that master again but the bruise is still with me..I never used a clip again to be honest I'm a bit scared of clips now..another accident that occured was when I was with another masteer he was into gothic subs he told kitty he wanted her to have a lip peircing so I said no so he came up with a makeshift peircing just use an earing and place it on your lips so I did so (stupidly) and it looked cute but after a while I tasted something salty it was blood the makeshift lip peircing cut myy lip ouch! The cut left a line on my lip when I first got the line I was so humiliated my perfect. Lips. Looked weird and creapy...but after a while it was ok..I never spoke to that master again the trend is..once they hurt me physically I can't stand to be with them again
But Master is the bestt!~ he sung me I need a girl by taeyang ahhhhhhh I almost died!~his korean was bad lol but his voice was sooooooooooooooooo cute and his expression ahhhh master wa soo sexy :D I have the sexieest master ever!
He's so kind so sexy so caring and so complex I love him :D
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
bouncy balls and globes
some people say you only learn to appreciate things after it ended and I was reflectng on that and it is so true..theirs so many things I dont apprciate untill its gone but I want to appreciate master as much as i can so today
I was thinking...but the question is will master appreciate me while the time lasts? ;)
My goal: To make myself a better Bimbo/Slave
1.Perform workouts more intensenly even in the cold because in the cold weather I often flake out and not excersise.I also want to try excersiing in heels althugh it sounds a bit dangerous It will make me better in heels and often does a great job sculpting the body!
2.Eat more healthy I do not eat healthy during the week although at school I have an option to eat healthy I often choose to not eat healthy.Due to not eating healthy I also feel my workout has not been making much progress because I am not having enough calorie defficent.
3.Wear more makeup It is really rare that I rare makeup although I used to at some point wear makeup everyday.Master saw a picture of me with makeup on without glasses and he did not recognise me I am not sure if that is bad or good but either way Master should see me looking beautifull everyday.
4.make sure to use appropriate face products to ensure that my face is pimple free and absent from any blemishes
5.make sure to keep my body nice and healthy! Having a sick slave is useless so I should always be healthier then master no matter what
6.make sure to keep my hair nice and strong and soft and my teeth shiny and white so I can look my best for master and and this will allow master to have the best trophy girlfriend!
1.Finish assignments quicker without having to be remainded to do them and also not wait to the last couple days to turn in assignments because the quality level will show greatly!
2.Being more available to please cocks by having easier acess and an open mind toward the fact that my goal is to please cocks and not to worry about my personal pleasure
3.being more sexually apealing with short outfits that expose more clevage and shorter shorts that expose more leg it is important to stay up to date on fashion because before I can pleasure anyones cock I first need to attract them to me the most important thing about clothing is not wearing panties!
4.I must believe that no matter what anyone says or how girls look at me with disgust I AM the hottest bimbo thinking of myself as a bimbo will also aide in accomplishing other things needed to change my attitude
5.willing to try new things! As a bimbo I should be willing to accept sex as long as it is in a safe place even if I get crazy sugguestions on where they want to have sex I should keep my mind willing and open regardless of time,weather or any other annoying disturbances that might affect

Social functions
1.make bimbo friends some cliches have more bimbos then other if I am a part of a bimbo cliche I will be able to get tips about blow jobs and any random bimbo help I may need it could be rewarding
2.put masters sexual pleasure before anything if I am at a function and master is horny I must find a way to sneak away so I can go and please master sexually
3.make more bdsm related friends if I made more bdsm related friends I could learn from them and see how I can improve myself as a slave and maybe they can learn from me it would also be a great expirence to hear the life of someone who is with their master actively as a full time live in slave if I knew what their life was really like
4.wear no panties at social events just in case someone or master wishes to use me during the social event having no panties will make the quick bang faster and more convenient!
5.know my place as a bimbo..as a bimbo it is common for people to stare at my short outfits and big boob it is important that as a bimbo I accept my place at these social functions instead of bringing myself down to a level that is not a bimbo
Job functions
1.not to forget my duty as a sub during work such as master requires that I masturbate 4x in a 8 hour span I should not forget masters orders and carry them out on my breaks
2.if master and I both have the break at the same time nearby I should make an effort to meet master so I can please him if master needs to have a release while pleasing him I will not think about my needs
3.making sure that before work master gets a nice cup of coffee withh squirts of my breast milk into the coffee to make his coffee sweet and delicious so he will then have the energy to go to work
4.during lunch breaks message master pictures of me playing in the bathroom to show master that I am completing my tasks and also that I am thinking about him
5.if acceptable allow people at my work to call me kitty
1.be more mysterious master can read me like a open book he can easily see my moods but I read online that mysterious women are hotter and more attractive to men and it keeps them intrested
2.think more logicaly and less with my heart because as a bimbo I will be extremly beautiful many guys might chase for me it is important that I have the ability to think with logic and heart not all guys chasing me will be nice or gentle some might get upset and try to hit me
3.believe in myself! Believe that I am the hottest the prettiest the best bimbo having the confidence is a big part of being a bimbo no matter what neverr stop believing in myself
4.be stronger being a bimbo might be a bit harder on my highly religious parents but I need to be strong and not let their christian ideals influence me
5.strive to be the best master only has one bimbo he needs to have the best bimbo not any 2nd rate bullshit but the best!
I was thinking...but the question is will master appreciate me while the time lasts? ;)
My goal: To make myself a better Bimbo/Slave
1.Perform workouts more intensenly even in the cold because in the cold weather I often flake out and not excersise.I also want to try excersiing in heels althugh it sounds a bit dangerous It will make me better in heels and often does a great job sculpting the body!
2.Eat more healthy I do not eat healthy during the week although at school I have an option to eat healthy I often choose to not eat healthy.Due to not eating healthy I also feel my workout has not been making much progress because I am not having enough calorie defficent.
3.Wear more makeup It is really rare that I rare makeup although I used to at some point wear makeup everyday.Master saw a picture of me with makeup on without glasses and he did not recognise me I am not sure if that is bad or good but either way Master should see me looking beautifull everyday.
4.make sure to use appropriate face products to ensure that my face is pimple free and absent from any blemishes
5.make sure to keep my body nice and healthy! Having a sick slave is useless so I should always be healthier then master no matter what
6.make sure to keep my hair nice and strong and soft and my teeth shiny and white so I can look my best for master and and this will allow master to have the best trophy girlfriend!
1.Finish assignments quicker without having to be remainded to do them and also not wait to the last couple days to turn in assignments because the quality level will show greatly!
2.Being more available to please cocks by having easier acess and an open mind toward the fact that my goal is to please cocks and not to worry about my personal pleasure
3.being more sexually apealing with short outfits that expose more clevage and shorter shorts that expose more leg it is important to stay up to date on fashion because before I can pleasure anyones cock I first need to attract them to me the most important thing about clothing is not wearing panties!
4.I must believe that no matter what anyone says or how girls look at me with disgust I AM the hottest bimbo thinking of myself as a bimbo will also aide in accomplishing other things needed to change my attitude
5.willing to try new things! As a bimbo I should be willing to accept sex as long as it is in a safe place even if I get crazy sugguestions on where they want to have sex I should keep my mind willing and open regardless of time,weather or any other annoying disturbances that might affect
Social functions
1.make bimbo friends some cliches have more bimbos then other if I am a part of a bimbo cliche I will be able to get tips about blow jobs and any random bimbo help I may need it could be rewarding
2.put masters sexual pleasure before anything if I am at a function and master is horny I must find a way to sneak away so I can go and please master sexually
3.make more bdsm related friends if I made more bdsm related friends I could learn from them and see how I can improve myself as a slave and maybe they can learn from me it would also be a great expirence to hear the life of someone who is with their master actively as a full time live in slave if I knew what their life was really like
4.wear no panties at social events just in case someone or master wishes to use me during the social event having no panties will make the quick bang faster and more convenient!
5.know my place as a bimbo..as a bimbo it is common for people to stare at my short outfits and big boob it is important that as a bimbo I accept my place at these social functions instead of bringing myself down to a level that is not a bimbo
Job functions
1.not to forget my duty as a sub during work such as master requires that I masturbate 4x in a 8 hour span I should not forget masters orders and carry them out on my breaks
2.if master and I both have the break at the same time nearby I should make an effort to meet master so I can please him if master needs to have a release while pleasing him I will not think about my needs
3.making sure that before work master gets a nice cup of coffee withh squirts of my breast milk into the coffee to make his coffee sweet and delicious so he will then have the energy to go to work
4.during lunch breaks message master pictures of me playing in the bathroom to show master that I am completing my tasks and also that I am thinking about him
5.if acceptable allow people at my work to call me kitty
1.be more mysterious master can read me like a open book he can easily see my moods but I read online that mysterious women are hotter and more attractive to men and it keeps them intrested
2.think more logicaly and less with my heart because as a bimbo I will be extremly beautiful many guys might chase for me it is important that I have the ability to think with logic and heart not all guys chasing me will be nice or gentle some might get upset and try to hit me
3.believe in myself! Believe that I am the hottest the prettiest the best bimbo having the confidence is a big part of being a bimbo no matter what neverr stop believing in myself
4.be stronger being a bimbo might be a bit harder on my highly religious parents but I need to be strong and not let their christian ideals influence me
5.strive to be the best master only has one bimbo he needs to have the best bimbo not any 2nd rate bullshit but the best!
Wonderful tonight
Today I spoke to master for a loooong loong time on skype! We played games! Sung songs laughed a lot fangirled a bit even made skits :D quite fun! But then my best friend joppi came online and I decided that me master and joppi should allt three way chat! It was really really awkward joppi can be a bit awkward but after a couple of masters bad jokes it went ok master was talking in riddles to joppi complex sentences that made no sense it made my mind flip and it made joppis mind spin the only difrence is that I understood what masster was saying but joppi did not understand one bit I found myself translating what he said into simple words lol since when could I translate masters complex language? But after about 20ish mins master made joppi sad because of something he said that hurt her feelings I was instantly spammed with :( and also spammed with he is so mean bwahhh :( :( -_- I laughed at the situation and master laughed too but it really wasn't a laughing situation master could have appologised to joppi even if he did not mean it idk how I feel about master hurting my friends =/ I trust master around my friends and to see my friends I also trust that he wouldn't doo something to hurt my friends but why did he hurt joppi? I feel a bit bad as a friend I should have protected joppi a bit more like how master protects his friends..
I told master my biggest flaw about mysself is my foolishness but after thinking on it..I kinda like that flaw having such a energetic child heart has a lot of perks mm..my biggest flaw really is I can be too critical to the point where it can break me down
Master friend is moving into the hotel today ahh I'm gonna miss seeing master on webcam!
Master wants massages..theirs a class for that at school I can take it for free..mmm maybe I should consider
I really want to call master oppa! But since I never talk to him in a vanilla sensse it doesn't matter..the only oppa I have is onew oppa but I don't want onew oppa to be my oppa anymore :( master has to be my oppa! *sighs*
If I say masters middle and last name and add oppa it sounds cute :D or I could just say oppa!!~~ haha
Today master asked me a few bdsm questions and I will answer these questions now
how did desire start out?
how did i start desiring to be a slave?
why do u want to be molded?
what aspects do you wish to mold?
how does it affect you?
How did my desire start out I was into truth or dare! I played it every day until everyone around me hated truth or dare I always chose dare one day I decided to google truth or dare and I clicked the firstlink that said truth or dare it was getdare and on getdare their was many dares! I tried out so many but after I tried out the dares many times I got borred so I signed up for the getdare forum it was so big! So I just stuck to the chat their was a guy on the chat that I really liked something about him was soo intoxicating lol I was so young and so intoxicated lol I read all his posts but it was a bit complex at the time and did all his dares and made sure to talk to him everttime on chat and then one day he gave me his yahoo messenger I was so happy when we got on yahoo messenger he asked me if I was a dom or a sub?I wasn't quite sure..he explained what it ment and I subbed for him once it sucked but at that time I thought it was the best! But I enjoyed domming him more so I dommed him we switched forr a while until both of us developed feelings
I dated him for 2 days (lol was I really that bad of a gf??) After we broke up I went on the chat in search for a dom I met a nice dom a mysterious dom that wouldn't show me his face or let me hear his voice or get to know him but he carried a warm personality and his warmness showed me how much I wanted to be a sub he was into bringing people to the edge but I never understood what he ment until one day he was domming me and he gave me two options break one of my. Hard limits or he was going to stop being my master was have been master and sub for almost a year I cried when he told me my options but I decided to break my pee limit after I broke my pee limit he made me pee on the ground and then lick it up I cried in tears begging him to stop and he said no I cried and cried and cried and cried in but he told me to hurry and lick it up or else I might lick it and die I cried harder after all this crying my head was starting to hurt and I felt worse then dog shit not to mention my master hated me I felt a bit light headed master told me to stop licking it and go to sleep he would rather watch another sub on webcam anyways...after that me and that master broke up but for months that situation never left me and I still felt worse then dog shit my teeth got whiter I brushed it sooo often lol it took a long peiod for me to feel somewhat human and it wasn't till about a year did I feel like a person and not just dog shit...but right after that incident I started domming I wanted to be the best dom and have my own website I had big hopes for my bdsm career I was good at what I did but after a while domming did not feel right what I really wanted to do was sub. Domming was more or less an escape from what happend to me
But ever since I first started subbing I've been into being molded I have been in the molding phases of many things one master wanted to mold me into a dog another a doll another a barbie another a baby mmm a nerd a kajira!(quite intresting) molded into a mindless schoolgirl many molds but out of all the molds my favoriate mold was the barbie although I wasn't a barbie for long because that master was a 56yr old creep o.o ew...I like the idea of being molded it can relate to giving up my pleasures to please master exsample sneakers are a pleasure they are comfy and stylish and pratical compared to heels which can be painful by being molded I am slowly giving up things I like to please master
I feel satisfied when I can please master I also feel excited that one day master will look at me and he will see everything he has dreamed of master is making me into a bimbo being made into a bimbo is far from easy many people try to be made into a bimbo and fail epicly! Its an expirence it will affect me by creating family issues with implants but I am not that worried about family issues I said this to master many times if I never met master I would have gotten implants I have a list of things I wish to do to change my body I guess you could say deep down I always had a bimbo intrest (fetish?) Ever since I was younger i wanted to work at hooters and have big boobs and wear skimpy clothing my mom says I have too much daisy duke shorts lol but I don't think my shorts are short enough master will be the judge :D
Is it really every boys dream to have a threesome? Its weird if I want a threesome lol?
Two guys one girl? Or two girls one guy??
Mm...two girls one guy sounds hotter but what's hotter then hearing about threesomes is hearng about my expirences with girls! Yayyy!~
I dated a few girls off on and then off again nothing too serious and never did any kissing how would I explain to my kids that my first kiss came from a girl? But one summer there was a girl she lived nearby she would come over every day during summer she praticly lived at my house my parents work a lot so we were often home alone when we were home alone me and the girl would get beers and vodaka and take shots after we took a few shots we would take shots off each other lol and after we got bored we would take off our clothes and give each other lapdances sometimes I would give her a bad strip tease haha we would have so much fun stripping everyday and taking shots we would always find ourself in my bed naked with the door locked did anything ever happen in the bed?!!??? I would love to tell you haha but I really don't know by the time we were naked we were so wasted me and her spent most of the summer like this drinking stripping touching each other slapping asses ending up naked in bed cuddeling haha but one day the girl told me let's buy some drugs and have some fun under the covers I said NO to drugs :D she got upset and we never spoke again but sometimes I get cute facebook messages from her is that a consolation? I guess I didn't really do much with girls ha I'm not bi but I can appreciate beauty and perfect ass and boobs so if master asked me to do a threesome I guess with the right girl and maybe a few shots id be down for it lol
Theirs something in my heart that I need to tell master I fear our relationship can't grow if I don't tell him but I am so scared that master won't accept me..but a part of me thinks maybe master would understand person X said that the situation happend to master but idk..she was prob just lying anyways :/
Another thing COMPLETLY diffrent...
What do you do when your heart and mind tell you to do two diffrent things?
who do you listen to your heart or mind?
I told master my biggest flaw about mysself is my foolishness but after thinking on it..I kinda like that flaw having such a energetic child heart has a lot of perks mm..my biggest flaw really is I can be too critical to the point where it can break me down
Master friend is moving into the hotel today ahh I'm gonna miss seeing master on webcam!
Master wants massages..theirs a class for that at school I can take it for free..mmm maybe I should consider
I really want to call master oppa! But since I never talk to him in a vanilla sensse it doesn't matter..the only oppa I have is onew oppa but I don't want onew oppa to be my oppa anymore :( master has to be my oppa! *sighs*
If I say masters middle and last name and add oppa it sounds cute :D or I could just say oppa!!~~ haha
Today master asked me a few bdsm questions and I will answer these questions now
how did desire start out?
how did i start desiring to be a slave?
why do u want to be molded?
what aspects do you wish to mold?
how does it affect you?
How did my desire start out I was into truth or dare! I played it every day until everyone around me hated truth or dare I always chose dare one day I decided to google truth or dare and I clicked the firstlink that said truth or dare it was getdare and on getdare their was many dares! I tried out so many but after I tried out the dares many times I got borred so I signed up for the getdare forum it was so big! So I just stuck to the chat their was a guy on the chat that I really liked something about him was soo intoxicating lol I was so young and so intoxicated lol I read all his posts but it was a bit complex at the time and did all his dares and made sure to talk to him everttime on chat and then one day he gave me his yahoo messenger I was so happy when we got on yahoo messenger he asked me if I was a dom or a sub?I wasn't quite sure..he explained what it ment and I subbed for him once it sucked but at that time I thought it was the best! But I enjoyed domming him more so I dommed him we switched forr a while until both of us developed feelings
I dated him for 2 days (lol was I really that bad of a gf??) After we broke up I went on the chat in search for a dom I met a nice dom a mysterious dom that wouldn't show me his face or let me hear his voice or get to know him but he carried a warm personality and his warmness showed me how much I wanted to be a sub he was into bringing people to the edge but I never understood what he ment until one day he was domming me and he gave me two options break one of my. Hard limits or he was going to stop being my master was have been master and sub for almost a year I cried when he told me my options but I decided to break my pee limit after I broke my pee limit he made me pee on the ground and then lick it up I cried in tears begging him to stop and he said no I cried and cried and cried and cried in but he told me to hurry and lick it up or else I might lick it and die I cried harder after all this crying my head was starting to hurt and I felt worse then dog shit not to mention my master hated me I felt a bit light headed master told me to stop licking it and go to sleep he would rather watch another sub on webcam anyways...after that me and that master broke up but for months that situation never left me and I still felt worse then dog shit my teeth got whiter I brushed it sooo often lol it took a long peiod for me to feel somewhat human and it wasn't till about a year did I feel like a person and not just dog shit...but right after that incident I started domming I wanted to be the best dom and have my own website I had big hopes for my bdsm career I was good at what I did but after a while domming did not feel right what I really wanted to do was sub. Domming was more or less an escape from what happend to me
But ever since I first started subbing I've been into being molded I have been in the molding phases of many things one master wanted to mold me into a dog another a doll another a barbie another a baby mmm a nerd a kajira!(quite intresting) molded into a mindless schoolgirl many molds but out of all the molds my favoriate mold was the barbie although I wasn't a barbie for long because that master was a 56yr old creep o.o ew...I like the idea of being molded it can relate to giving up my pleasures to please master exsample sneakers are a pleasure they are comfy and stylish and pratical compared to heels which can be painful by being molded I am slowly giving up things I like to please master
I feel satisfied when I can please master I also feel excited that one day master will look at me and he will see everything he has dreamed of master is making me into a bimbo being made into a bimbo is far from easy many people try to be made into a bimbo and fail epicly! Its an expirence it will affect me by creating family issues with implants but I am not that worried about family issues I said this to master many times if I never met master I would have gotten implants I have a list of things I wish to do to change my body I guess you could say deep down I always had a bimbo intrest (fetish?) Ever since I was younger i wanted to work at hooters and have big boobs and wear skimpy clothing my mom says I have too much daisy duke shorts lol but I don't think my shorts are short enough master will be the judge :D
Is it really every boys dream to have a threesome? Its weird if I want a threesome lol?
Two guys one girl? Or two girls one guy??
Mm...two girls one guy sounds hotter but what's hotter then hearing about threesomes is hearng about my expirences with girls! Yayyy!~
I dated a few girls off on and then off again nothing too serious and never did any kissing how would I explain to my kids that my first kiss came from a girl? But one summer there was a girl she lived nearby she would come over every day during summer she praticly lived at my house my parents work a lot so we were often home alone when we were home alone me and the girl would get beers and vodaka and take shots after we took a few shots we would take shots off each other lol and after we got bored we would take off our clothes and give each other lapdances sometimes I would give her a bad strip tease haha we would have so much fun stripping everyday and taking shots we would always find ourself in my bed naked with the door locked did anything ever happen in the bed?!!??? I would love to tell you haha but I really don't know by the time we were naked we were so wasted me and her spent most of the summer like this drinking stripping touching each other slapping asses ending up naked in bed cuddeling haha but one day the girl told me let's buy some drugs and have some fun under the covers I said NO to drugs :D she got upset and we never spoke again but sometimes I get cute facebook messages from her is that a consolation? I guess I didn't really do much with girls ha I'm not bi but I can appreciate beauty and perfect ass and boobs so if master asked me to do a threesome I guess with the right girl and maybe a few shots id be down for it lol
Theirs something in my heart that I need to tell master I fear our relationship can't grow if I don't tell him but I am so scared that master won't accept me..but a part of me thinks maybe master would understand person X said that the situation happend to master but idk..she was prob just lying anyways :/
Another thing COMPLETLY diffrent...
What do you do when your heart and mind tell you to do two diffrent things?
who do you listen to your heart or mind?
I am that ordinary kind of person that finds hope in little things but one thing that I can always find hope in is quotes here are SOME of the quotes that I know by heart ^_^ or quotes that I seem to follow a lot
“A girl is just to innocent when she is fooled on the first time. But she is too naive if fooled for the second time. And if she is still fooled for the third time, she is stupid.”
Clear skies will mean you are happy. Rain will mean you’re crying. Sunset means you are embarrassed. Night will mean you are gently holding me.”
(Its stupid right to think this..when I miss someone and their far far away *cough* master I look into the sky and decide what emotion he is feeling it's a bit emberasing to admit that :p)
It’s not like a manga where you can say that you accidentally fell and your lips met”
(hahah I have to remind myself of this quote many times lol its NOT like a manga or a drama..)
"Just smile and there’s nothing you can’t overcome.”
(soo true ^_^)
This quote I know by HEART!
Nice men are ugly.
Handsome men are not nice.
Handsome and nice men are married.
Handsome, nice and unmarried men are useless.
Handsome, nice, unmarried and rich men are not interested in us.
Handsome, nice, unmarried, rich men who are interested in us are players .
Handsome, nice, unmarried, rich men who are interested in us and faithful are homosexuals.
Handsome, nice, unmarried, rich men who are interested in us, faithful, straight and who would not lose interest in us even if we made the first move… those men must have problems!”
(mmm Where does master fall in this catagory...)
“This is how I am. If you can’t stand it, shut your eyes and go to sleep.”
Another thing I want to do for master is make bento boxes for him to eat at lunch
Making bento boxes are cheap and we can save money the money that we save can be put to better use :D and it is much healthier for master to eat a nice balanced meal instead of buying out a lot! PLUS how would you feel after a long day at school or work and you see a cute litle bento box made out of love? and a cute sticky note attached? I think I would feel quite loved and happy to eat whatever creation that was prepared!

I am that ordinary kind of person that finds hope in little things but one thing that I can always find hope in is quotes here are SOME of the quotes that I know by heart ^_^ or quotes that I seem to follow a lot
“A girl is just to innocent when she is fooled on the first time. But she is too naive if fooled for the second time. And if she is still fooled for the third time, she is stupid.”
Clear skies will mean you are happy. Rain will mean you’re crying. Sunset means you are embarrassed. Night will mean you are gently holding me.”
(Its stupid right to think this..when I miss someone and their far far away *cough* master I look into the sky and decide what emotion he is feeling it's a bit emberasing to admit that :p)
It’s not like a manga where you can say that you accidentally fell and your lips met”
(hahah I have to remind myself of this quote many times lol its NOT like a manga or a drama..)
"Just smile and there’s nothing you can’t overcome.”
(soo true ^_^)
This quote I know by HEART!
Nice men are ugly.
Handsome men are not nice.
Handsome and nice men are married.
Handsome, nice and unmarried men are useless.
Handsome, nice, unmarried and rich men are not interested in us.
Handsome, nice, unmarried, rich men who are interested in us are players .
Handsome, nice, unmarried, rich men who are interested in us and faithful are homosexuals.
Handsome, nice, unmarried, rich men who are interested in us, faithful, straight and who would not lose interest in us even if we made the first move… those men must have problems!”
(mmm Where does master fall in this catagory...)
“This is how I am. If you can’t stand it, shut your eyes and go to sleep.”
Another thing I want to do for master is make bento boxes for him to eat at lunch
Making bento boxes are cheap and we can save money the money that we save can be put to better use :D and it is much healthier for master to eat a nice balanced meal instead of buying out a lot! PLUS how would you feel after a long day at school or work and you see a cute litle bento box made out of love? and a cute sticky note attached? I think I would feel quite loved and happy to eat whatever creation that was prepared!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Backk from blogger breakk!!!
Yay its good to be back I feel a lot relieved and less stressed I think master felt bad that he caused me some stressed :s
today I set my alarm for about 4:30am so I could wake up to attack master with kisses when his airplane landed! Master never told me I needed to attack him with kisses but I wanted to even if it ment waking up at 4am on a Sunday
After the 4am kisses I slept untill about 9ish and then I heard a POP sound that reminded me of skype so I instantly jumped out of bed like a ninja and went to my computer while I was waiting for my computer to load I felt a bit bad for anyone who messaged me who is NOT master...I seriously didn't ninja jump out of bed to have a friendly chit chat with anyone other then master -_- but to my lucky it was master who messaged yayyy! Ninjas really do get reward like always I had fun talking to master! But he got sleepy and went to sleep
While master was gone I spent a large part of my day taking pictures of myself I want a picture that fits these benchmarks
2.revealing but not too revealing
3.looks like beautiful art
4.First reaction must be omg does she have more pics?
5.does not show face
I don't want the photo to show face because idk it has to be a bit mysteriouss! Sexy mysterious who the fuck is thi hot girl kinda photo lol idk...
I talked to master on the phone!!!!!! Yay!! For about an hour I looovee talking to master on the phone :Dits soo rare that I can call him because under no cirrcumstances am I allowed to call without permission lol but master was like "call me" ahhh he sounded soo cool!!!!!! We chatted for about an hour about random things and I asked him some questions that I thought about during the japanese exam lol other then sleeping during the exam I thought about master a lot haha so I had a lot of fun but then he had to eat so we hung up when he was done eating I thought about calling. Him back just in case he is lonely but then I rememberd what master said under no circumstances should I ever call him no matter what .......alright so I did not call lol master started having a loong converation with his brother hiss brother is actually the coolest person ever!! Well not really because his brother doesn't eat cool bento boxes so he's not THAT cool
While master was talking to his brother I decided to give master a little bit of space. And he said he would take a long time so I took a nap he said to say goodnight when I'm SLEEPING is napping and sleeping the same? I don't think so I napped for about an hour or two and then franticlcly wake up being like OMFG did I nap to long mmmm let me check on master rofl I check on master and he is fine still talking to hiss brother so I blog a little go on fetlife a little and nap after about 2 hours I'm like OMFFGGGG I slept to late! *jumps out of bed to check on master*master is still doing fine talking to his brother so I solve my rubik cube a bit and blog a little more and decide to sleep but a few hours into my
sleep about maybee 4 or 5 I wake up and I'm like OMGGGGGG I overslept is master still busy :o and to my surprice he
is not busy yayyyyyyy!
Oo cool news!!! Me and master are dating on fetlife actually more like were dating I decided to take it down and just leave it blank i wanna put dating when I'm legitly dating I think master told me to put dating just to put it there so I decided to go with what he said originally and keep it blank
Tonight and yesterday has been sooo crazy! I have never done such crazy things for a master its weird because master never instructed me to wake up ever 2hrs to check on him I decided myself I would do it lol I would never wake up at crazy times for anyy other master other then master -_- lol master is lucky for such a good kitty!!!
Yay its good to be back I feel a lot relieved and less stressed I think master felt bad that he caused me some stressed :s
today I set my alarm for about 4:30am so I could wake up to attack master with kisses when his airplane landed! Master never told me I needed to attack him with kisses but I wanted to even if it ment waking up at 4am on a Sunday
After the 4am kisses I slept untill about 9ish and then I heard a POP sound that reminded me of skype so I instantly jumped out of bed like a ninja and went to my computer while I was waiting for my computer to load I felt a bit bad for anyone who messaged me who is NOT master...I seriously didn't ninja jump out of bed to have a friendly chit chat with anyone other then master -_- but to my lucky it was master who messaged yayyy! Ninjas really do get reward like always I had fun talking to master! But he got sleepy and went to sleep
While master was gone I spent a large part of my day taking pictures of myself I want a picture that fits these benchmarks
2.revealing but not too revealing
3.looks like beautiful art
4.First reaction must be omg does she have more pics?
5.does not show face
I don't want the photo to show face because idk it has to be a bit mysteriouss! Sexy mysterious who the fuck is thi hot girl kinda photo lol idk...
I talked to master on the phone!!!!!! Yay!! For about an hour I looovee talking to master on the phone :Dits soo rare that I can call him because under no cirrcumstances am I allowed to call without permission lol but master was like "call me" ahhh he sounded soo cool!!!!!! We chatted for about an hour about random things and I asked him some questions that I thought about during the japanese exam lol other then sleeping during the exam I thought about master a lot haha so I had a lot of fun but then he had to eat so we hung up when he was done eating I thought about calling. Him back just in case he is lonely but then I rememberd what master said under no circumstances should I ever call him no matter what .......alright so I did not call lol master started having a loong converation with his brother hiss brother is actually the coolest person ever!! Well not really because his brother doesn't eat cool bento boxes so he's not THAT cool
While master was talking to his brother I decided to give master a little bit of space. And he said he would take a long time so I took a nap he said to say goodnight when I'm SLEEPING is napping and sleeping the same? I don't think so I napped for about an hour or two and then franticlcly wake up being like OMFG did I nap to long mmmm let me check on master rofl I check on master and he is fine still talking to hiss brother so I blog a little go on fetlife a little and nap after about 2 hours I'm like OMFFGGGG I slept to late! *jumps out of bed to check on master*master is still doing fine talking to his brother so I solve my rubik cube a bit and blog a little more and decide to sleep but a few hours into my
sleep about maybee 4 or 5 I wake up and I'm like OMGGGGGG I overslept is master still busy :o and to my surprice he
is not busy yayyyyyyy!
Oo cool news!!! Me and master are dating on fetlife actually more like were dating I decided to take it down and just leave it blank i wanna put dating when I'm legitly dating I think master told me to put dating just to put it there so I decided to go with what he said originally and keep it blank
Tonight and yesterday has been sooo crazy! I have never done such crazy things for a master its weird because master never instructed me to wake up ever 2hrs to check on him I decided myself I would do it lol I would never wake up at crazy times for anyy other master other then master -_- lol master is lucky for such a good kitty!!!
Monday, January 10, 2011
king kong
Yea I kinda stole ~ from master but its so cute couldn't help but steal
I've been singing alll day!~ nothing else better to do other then study for exam but singing is wayyy more funner heheh so I learned a new song today its called the carrot song its korean! Ah!~ on a cute level of 1 to 10 I rate it a 10! You know I hate when people fuck up scales and put 1 as the highest and 10 as lowest -_- really..ugh people can be so difficult sometimes!
Carrot song translation!
Do you miss me?
Do you think about me?
I love you you love me
Obvious obvious obvious
Even though at times you feel sad
Even though at times you feel lonely
Always think of me who will be by your side
Ahh I'm tired of writing translations :p but you get the cute drift!
But whhyy learn one cute song when you can learn -two-
So I learrned thee I love you song with the tune of small world
I love you
I love you so much
I love you so much
I love you.com
I love you so much
Haha anyways not saying love annymore! Mastersaid not to leave sublimil hints..so I shall say it directly!
I love you masterr!~
Haha enough about love and songs
Time to update on my exams!~
Actually I only took like oneishh..haha
Japanese speaking
Japanese writing
Japanese multiple choice
I'm feeling pretty confident I happen to sucesfully score higher then everyone in my class and also some other classes :o omggggg maybe I'm draming did I realllyy beat the anime obssesed creeps who live breath eat japan culture??? Hahahaha victory! The sleeping girl who can hardly translate her assignments can speak and write japanese!
Have you heard about the chinese 3 fold story
There once was 2 young poor men the emperor told the men if you complete this difficult task for me I will repay you with riches and happiness in 3 folds but if you can not complete the task correctly I will give you punnishment and suffering in 3 folds the first men tried to complete the task but he got lazy and decided to cheat his way through after he finished he showed the emperor his hard work but the emperor casted him away from his family and friends to live a lonely life alone in pain but the other men slowly but carefully completed the emperors order and he was given riches more riches then he could ever dream of but soon after he received the riches he died of old age
I feel a bit similar to the story whenever I cry a tear or stress a little too much master repays me with 3 folds of happiness even though he is not obligated to master really is gentle :)
Master wants me to meet him this summer but I'm a bit scared I'm scared to be alone when theirs lighting and thunder and manytimes I'm scared to step out my bathtub I fear that I will get killed lol I have a lot of random things I'm scared of when I'm alone that I wouldn't normally be scared of when I am with someone :o
I've been singing alll day!~ nothing else better to do other then study for exam but singing is wayyy more funner heheh so I learned a new song today its called the carrot song its korean! Ah!~ on a cute level of 1 to 10 I rate it a 10! You know I hate when people fuck up scales and put 1 as the highest and 10 as lowest -_- really..ugh people can be so difficult sometimes!
Carrot song translation!
Do you miss me?
Do you think about me?
I love you you love me
Obvious obvious obvious
Even though at times you feel sad
Even though at times you feel lonely
Always think of me who will be by your side
Ahh I'm tired of writing translations :p but you get the cute drift!
But whhyy learn one cute song when you can learn -two-
So I learrned thee I love you song with the tune of small world
I love you
I love you so much
I love you so much
I love you.com
I love you so much
Haha anyways not saying love annymore! Mastersaid not to leave sublimil hints..so I shall say it directly!
I love you masterr!~
Haha enough about love and songs
Time to update on my exams!~
Actually I only took like oneishh..haha
Japanese speaking
Japanese writing
Japanese multiple choice
I'm feeling pretty confident I happen to sucesfully score higher then everyone in my class and also some other classes :o omggggg maybe I'm draming did I realllyy beat the anime obssesed creeps who live breath eat japan culture??? Hahahaha victory! The sleeping girl who can hardly translate her assignments can speak and write japanese!
Have you heard about the chinese 3 fold story
There once was 2 young poor men the emperor told the men if you complete this difficult task for me I will repay you with riches and happiness in 3 folds but if you can not complete the task correctly I will give you punnishment and suffering in 3 folds the first men tried to complete the task but he got lazy and decided to cheat his way through after he finished he showed the emperor his hard work but the emperor casted him away from his family and friends to live a lonely life alone in pain but the other men slowly but carefully completed the emperors order and he was given riches more riches then he could ever dream of but soon after he received the riches he died of old age
I feel a bit similar to the story whenever I cry a tear or stress a little too much master repays me with 3 folds of happiness even though he is not obligated to master really is gentle :)
Master wants me to meet him this summer but I'm a bit scared I'm scared to be alone when theirs lighting and thunder and manytimes I'm scared to step out my bathtub I fear that I will get killed lol I have a lot of random things I'm scared of when I'm alone that I wouldn't normally be scared of when I am with someone :o
I had 24hrs to send master my 5 things I wish to change about myself but the list contains about 25 items hah he shoudve called it 25 things to change..I haven't worked on it for a while In fact if it was up to me I woulsnt touch that post with a 9foot stick it looks like I wrote a whole bunch of crap and numered it so a few hrs ago I went through the list editing all the crap and even though I edited the crap I got sick of editing it I got sick of going through crap the 24hrs are almost expired should I send master some crap? I rather not send master crap what's the point of sending master a blog filled of crap? If I don't post ill be punnished if I do post master will be extremly dissipointed and complain since when Did I become scared of master ? Even if I blogged 100x times I don't think master will understand
My new friend that looks like shingdong I don't think I can be friends with him any longer he is starting to give me a mixed view on bdsm to benfit himself..when I asked him advice abt sending master crap he gave me bad advice and told me that I shouldn't be scared of a master ever since we webcam he has become diffrent what happend? Why do things change so quickly for me ? Even master has changed...good changes?bad changes? I guess everything really does change in the end its unavoidable
After today I won't be blogging due to finals I might blog but it will be shorter actually master said I could stop blogging from the 8th..but I still blogged...but this time I think I want to take advantage of not blogging it'll take off some stress its a bit stressful doing assignments its more depressing when master dissiporoves of whatever assignment that I stressed my ass off on :/ he said he doesn't give compliments but what kind of constructive critism is that?? He doesn't even think about my feelings...so happy for a blogging break :D
I'm a bit scared to receive masters punnishment but whatever it is I prob deserved it bad kitty
My new friend that looks like shingdong I don't think I can be friends with him any longer he is starting to give me a mixed view on bdsm to benfit himself..when I asked him advice abt sending master crap he gave me bad advice and told me that I shouldn't be scared of a master ever since we webcam he has become diffrent what happend? Why do things change so quickly for me ? Even master has changed...good changes?bad changes? I guess everything really does change in the end its unavoidable
After today I won't be blogging due to finals I might blog but it will be shorter actually master said I could stop blogging from the 8th..but I still blogged...but this time I think I want to take advantage of not blogging it'll take off some stress its a bit stressful doing assignments its more depressing when master dissiporoves of whatever assignment that I stressed my ass off on :/ he said he doesn't give compliments but what kind of constructive critism is that?? He doesn't even think about my feelings...so happy for a blogging break :D
I'm a bit scared to receive masters punnishment but whatever it is I prob deserved it bad kitty
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Today I was upset! So upset I thought I might burst into flames and explode! But my anger was shortlived
I got punnished for ignoring master on his trip and when I decided to sincerly tell him why I ignored him and my mind process he took my words and twisted It into a pile of crap it was like he did not believe my words and I had some secrete underlined meaning to ignore him I can't believe that for those few seconds he really believed I had some underlined meaning...I was so angry but as soon as I got angry my anger quickly transformed into sadness and then as soon as it transformed master appologised :) what a roller coaster! I'm simple and think one way many people say they can read me like a book but why can't master read me?
I still don't understand his reasoning to punnish me it still doesn't quite add up in my head
It is okay for master to not speak to me for two weeks but then if I don't talk to him for 5 days he goes "crazy" what changed between now and a month ago?
I got punnished for ignoring master on his trip and when I decided to sincerly tell him why I ignored him and my mind process he took my words and twisted It into a pile of crap it was like he did not believe my words and I had some secrete underlined meaning to ignore him I can't believe that for those few seconds he really believed I had some underlined meaning...I was so angry but as soon as I got angry my anger quickly transformed into sadness and then as soon as it transformed master appologised :) what a roller coaster! I'm simple and think one way many people say they can read me like a book but why can't master read me?
I still don't understand his reasoning to punnish me it still doesn't quite add up in my head
It is okay for master to not speak to me for two weeks but then if I don't talk to him for 5 days he goes "crazy" what changed between now and a month ago?
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Update on my friend: He looks like shingdong

He is a nice boy! He works a lot! He is a vegtable and fruit delivery boy o.o idk..he's a bit too obsessed with ayumi hamasaki and does not listen kpop or cpop although he is chinese :o we don't have much in common but conversation never gets slow I always find something! He just came to america so he doesn't know much he didn't know who megan fox was or what a bento is (althought bento is the japanese name) he also did not know what coffee was...sometimes I feel he is a lost hope :p rofl his english is sketchy often and I barely can understand but I decided to skype with him! We had lots of fun and we played hangman but with only japanese words it was sooo fun :p I used all the big words I knew like omoshiroi(intresting) but he used much bigger and always won :( he decided to sing me a few songs and for the next thirrty mins I was in my own personal concert he sung me about 8 songs all in japanese..how cute but here are some translations
Ayumi hamasaki-days
Just by you being there
my heart becomes so warm
And my wish
is only one
Is it ok if I keep
loving you this way?
You have someone special already
I've known that for a while
because your smile is shining so
Ayumi hamasaki-fairyland
How many times have I sought for something
Found and lost it
Since that time?
But your smile has taught me
That we are now
In the closest place to forever
Ayumi hamasaki-Heaven
Stay by my side, my love
Crossing over time and changing your shape
The future we haven't yet seen
Remains here
Trust me, my love
You live within me
So I'll never
Say good-bye to you
3 doors down-here without you
I'm here without you baby
But you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
And I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you baby
But you're still with me in my dreams
Cute right! But his singing doesn't match up to masters and he's not cute and I made sure to absolutly NOT fangirl! Or let him sing me twinkle twinkle little star! Because that's me and masters song!It was a bit weird being on webcam and not fangirling since I always fagirl on skype with master but its fine he's not even cute like master he sung and sung and sung till 1:30am!

He is a nice boy! He works a lot! He is a vegtable and fruit delivery boy o.o idk..he's a bit too obsessed with ayumi hamasaki and does not listen kpop or cpop although he is chinese :o we don't have much in common but conversation never gets slow I always find something! He just came to america so he doesn't know much he didn't know who megan fox was or what a bento is (althought bento is the japanese name) he also did not know what coffee was...sometimes I feel he is a lost hope :p rofl his english is sketchy often and I barely can understand but I decided to skype with him! We had lots of fun and we played hangman but with only japanese words it was sooo fun :p I used all the big words I knew like omoshiroi(intresting) but he used much bigger and always won :( he decided to sing me a few songs and for the next thirrty mins I was in my own personal concert he sung me about 8 songs all in japanese..how cute but here are some translations
Ayumi hamasaki-days
Just by you being there
my heart becomes so warm
And my wish
is only one
Is it ok if I keep
loving you this way?
You have someone special already
I've known that for a while
because your smile is shining so
Ayumi hamasaki-fairyland
How many times have I sought for something
Found and lost it
Since that time?
But your smile has taught me
That we are now
In the closest place to forever
Ayumi hamasaki-Heaven
Stay by my side, my love
Crossing over time and changing your shape
The future we haven't yet seen
Remains here
Trust me, my love
You live within me
So I'll never
Say good-bye to you
3 doors down-here without you
I'm here without you baby
But you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
And I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you baby
But you're still with me in my dreams
Cute right! But his singing doesn't match up to masters and he's not cute and I made sure to absolutly NOT fangirl! Or let him sing me twinkle twinkle little star! Because that's me and masters song!It was a bit weird being on webcam and not fangirling since I always fagirl on skype with master but its fine he's not even cute like master he sung and sung and sung till 1:30am!
Orange juice
Master: make sure kitty plays with herself frantically without cumming, so that she always thinks about master
Master: Master wants kitty to think about him all the time, especially when he is away
Kitty:oh while Master is away he cant read blog posts rightMaster:he can but maybe with a bit of delay and a tad of inconvenience?
Posting all my posts foolishly is stupid I never even concidered what master told me..again I have become disturbing to master causing him inconvenience..ahh -_- what shall I do
Master: Master wants kitty to think about him all the time, especially when he is away
Kitty:oh while Master is away he cant read blog posts rightMaster:he can but maybe with a bit of delay and a tad of inconvenience?
Posting all my posts foolishly is stupid I never even concidered what master told me..again I have become disturbing to master causing him inconvenience..ahh -_- what shall I do
Cart noodles
I have one new years resolution but it seems I have already broken it
I want to make sure master is satisfied with me and with everything I do bringing him great happiness
I want to make sure master is satisfied with me and with everything I do bringing him great happiness
What kind of person are you?what kind of person do you want to be? it wasn't untill a few year ago did I relise what kind of person I want to be..
But what is a good person? Is a good person someone who donates blood and donates money and does volunteer work? Can you even define the word "good"?
I'm not sure what good is defined as I just strive my best to be kind sometimes being kind is hard sometimes you will get tricked because you are so kind and many times you will end up regretting being kind..I had my first boyfriend when I was about 12 he was my "world" and I was in love or atleast I hoped I was in love but one day out of the blue he told me we should break up I cryed a lot wernt we in love I watched all the sad crappy love movies and sung all the breakup sons and skipped school but 3 months after we were apart he texted me a long sob story about him needing money quickly he needed 200usd by the following day or else something bad would happen he was vague and I wasn't sure if it was ok to give money to my EX but I worried he really needed it I emptied my bank account my svings and also a bit of personal money I got for birthdays and what not and gave it to him it totaled 200usd he never said thank you or promised me he would return but all day people wer e talking about me the stupid girl who lent her ex boyfriend 200usd it was worse them humiliating I wanted to die the whole school was talking about me and all the boy would do is laugh he never returned the money and rumors about me continued to float the school for a long while maybe 2 years the rumors might have stopped if the boy would have stopped bragging and boasting how he managed to fool his EX out of o much money and till this day I never got my money back from him...that's an exsample of a time I regretted being nice But theirs so many exsamples and stories for times where i am happy that i have such a kind heart
I wanna be like the air. The good-hearted person whose kindness overflows and people realize how important she was to them, once she is gone.<
I wanna be that kind of person.
But what is a good person? Is a good person someone who donates blood and donates money and does volunteer work? Can you even define the word "good"?
I'm not sure what good is defined as I just strive my best to be kind sometimes being kind is hard sometimes you will get tricked because you are so kind and many times you will end up regretting being kind..I had my first boyfriend when I was about 12 he was my "world" and I was in love or atleast I hoped I was in love but one day out of the blue he told me we should break up I cryed a lot wernt we in love I watched all the sad crappy love movies and sung all the breakup sons and skipped school but 3 months after we were apart he texted me a long sob story about him needing money quickly he needed 200usd by the following day or else something bad would happen he was vague and I wasn't sure if it was ok to give money to my EX but I worried he really needed it I emptied my bank account my svings and also a bit of personal money I got for birthdays and what not and gave it to him it totaled 200usd he never said thank you or promised me he would return but all day people wer e talking about me the stupid girl who lent her ex boyfriend 200usd it was worse them humiliating I wanted to die the whole school was talking about me and all the boy would do is laugh he never returned the money and rumors about me continued to float the school for a long while maybe 2 years the rumors might have stopped if the boy would have stopped bragging and boasting how he managed to fool his EX out of o much money and till this day I never got my money back from him...that's an exsample of a time I regretted being nice But theirs so many exsamples and stories for times where i am happy that i have such a kind heart
Kiss my A.S.S
its NOT what you think Actually In math terms it says...Kiss my angle side side get a clue'
Since we are talking about math I have a few things I wish to discuss..
Two like signs are posotive
thats what master said does that mean
Kitty+Master=A posotive?
Or we could put our relationship in terms of chemistry!
Me and master are bound together by a shared intrest(bdsm) which creates a covalent bond :D :D :D
Since we are talking about math I have a few things I wish to discuss..
Two like signs are posotive
thats what master said does that mean
Kitty+Master=A posotive?
Or we could put our relationship in terms of chemistry!
Me and master are bound together by a shared intrest(bdsm) which creates a covalent bond :D :D :D
Red card
There are many many many posts that I have written but never posted some of them contain things I wanted to say but was scared to express and some of them are just crap blog posts..Now I will be posting all my blog posts that i have but have not posted..this is the least I could do for not speaking to master for such a long while...
Friday, January 7, 2011
I always blog when I am happy or excited but I wonder if it is really ok if I blog now..
I'm not like other girls I think that's where master made his first mistake..
I feel sad in the end I never really was any usse to master I never did his picture project and I'm scared to post my five things changing about myself task and I wasn't even able to masturbate on cam when he wanted to see me
I fail
I always tell master Your kitty will always wait here forever
But what's the use of a kitty like me?
I just feel useless and like I'm getting in the way such as interupting masters family time and his studying time
Is it really ok to have a useless kitty wait for him?
Master wanted me to email him pics of me playing with myself
I emailed master 5 pictures and after they had sent sucessfully I deleated all the pictures but master only was able to see one picture just imagining masters sad and dissipointed face makes me sad :( I failed him I wanted to show masters picture as a welcome to thai thing...after that incident I did not respond back to masters email I had no plans to talk to him to the 11th when he comes back even if I miss him so much I just wanted him to have a good time in thai a time where he could have a blast emailing him might have gotten in the way but he emailed me saying he was worried about me and wanted me to email me asap I wonder why he was worried...since he was worried I sent him a short short email
I made a new friend I found him on collarme he is chinese and can't speak english well sometimes it a bit annoying he told me that my master is really lucky to have found a girl like me...is it luck?
I'm not like other girls I think that's where master made his first mistake..
I feel sad in the end I never really was any usse to master I never did his picture project and I'm scared to post my five things changing about myself task and I wasn't even able to masturbate on cam when he wanted to see me
I fail
I always tell master Your kitty will always wait here forever
But what's the use of a kitty like me?
I just feel useless and like I'm getting in the way such as interupting masters family time and his studying time
Is it really ok to have a useless kitty wait for him?
Master wanted me to email him pics of me playing with myself
I emailed master 5 pictures and after they had sent sucessfully I deleated all the pictures but master only was able to see one picture just imagining masters sad and dissipointed face makes me sad :( I failed him I wanted to show masters picture as a welcome to thai thing...after that incident I did not respond back to masters email I had no plans to talk to him to the 11th when he comes back even if I miss him so much I just wanted him to have a good time in thai a time where he could have a blast emailing him might have gotten in the way but he emailed me saying he was worried about me and wanted me to email me asap I wonder why he was worried...since he was worried I sent him a short short email
I made a new friend I found him on collarme he is chinese and can't speak english well sometimes it a bit annoying he told me that my master is really lucky to have found a girl like me...is it luck?
Thursday, January 6, 2011
O bvioAhh!~
Yea I kinda stole ~ from master but its so cute couldn't help but steal
I've been singing alll day!~ nothing else better to do other then study for exam but singing is wayyy more funner heheh so I learned a new song today its called the carrot song its korean! Ah!~ on a cute level of 1 to 10 I rate it a 10! You know I hate when people fuck up scales and put 1 as the highest and 10 as lowest -_- really..ugh people can be so difficult sometimes!
Do you miss me?
Do you think about me?
I love you you love me
Obvious obvious obvious
Even though at times you feel sad
Even though at times you feel lonely
Always think of me who will be by your side
Ahh I'm tired of writing translations :p but you get the cute drift!
But whhyy learn one cute song when you can learn -two-
So I learrned thee I love you song with the tune of small world
I love you
I love you so much
I love you so much
I love you.com
I love you so much
Haha anyways not saying love annymore! Mastersaid not to leave sublimil hints..so I shall say it directly!
I love you masterr!~
Haha enough about love and songs
Time to update on my exams!~
Actually I only took like oneishh..haha
Japanese speaking
Japanese writing
Japanese multiple choice
I'm feeling pretty confident I happen to sucesfully score higher then everyone in my class and also some other classes :o omggggg maybe I'm draming did I realllyy beat the anime obssesed creeps who live breath eat japan culture??? Hahahaha victory! The sleeping girl who can hardly translate her assignments can speak and write japanese!
Yea I kinda stole ~ from master but its so cute couldn't help but steal
I've been singing alll day!~ nothing else better to do other then study for exam but singing is wayyy more funner heheh so I learned a new song today its called the carrot song its korean! Ah!~ on a cute level of 1 to 10 I rate it a 10! You know I hate when people fuck up scales and put 1 as the highest and 10 as lowest -_- really..ugh people can be so difficult sometimes!
Do you miss me?
Do you think about me?
I love you you love me
Obvious obvious obvious
Even though at times you feel sad
Even though at times you feel lonely
Always think of me who will be by your side
Ahh I'm tired of writing translations :p but you get the cute drift!
But whhyy learn one cute song when you can learn -two-
So I learrned thee I love you song with the tune of small world
I love you
I love you so much
I love you so much
I love you.com
I love you so much
Haha anyways not saying love annymore! Mastersaid not to leave sublimil hints..so I shall say it directly!
I love you masterr!~
Haha enough about love and songs
Time to update on my exams!~
Actually I only took like oneishh..haha
Japanese speaking
Japanese writing
Japanese multiple choice
I'm feeling pretty confident I happen to sucesfully score higher then everyone in my class and also some other classes :o omggggg maybe I'm draming did I realllyy beat the anime obssesed creeps who live breath eat japan culture??? Hahahaha victory! The sleeping girl who can hardly translate her assignments can speak and write japanese!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
This break has ended it went by so fast! Master was always online and I got to skype a lot I. Got to know master as a person and as a master I really enjoyed the expirence :) today I watched a movie with master a movie called internal affairs I would love to explain the plot but a bit. Complicated mm..good cantonese movie! Master likes action moviees but I like love movies! I asked master if I ever got tired of walking in heels if he would exchange with me and he said what do you think :o I think master will exhcnage! Because he's a good person like what if I twisted my angle then he would have to siwtch or piggy back ride me but I think id perffer a piggy back ride
Before I met master.I wanted a body like this!
- a body with no imperfections or scars or stretch marks tattos or anything like that!
- big boobs..
-botox under arms so ill never sweat agin eww..sweatingg!
-jell implated in my heel so I can wear high heels for extended amt of time
-significant amt of weight loss
-reguallry lazar treatment my legs
Now I'm with master and he wants all the things I wanted but now I'm fufiling someones fantasy :o wow what a deal fufill someones fantasy while stll accomplishing everything I wanted to do! Me and master are a great fit together don't ya think?
Before I met master.I wanted a body like this!
- a body with no imperfections or scars or stretch marks tattos or anything like that!
- big boobs..
-botox under arms so ill never sweat agin eww..sweatingg!
-jell implated in my heel so I can wear high heels for extended amt of time
-significant amt of weight loss
-reguallry lazar treatment my legs
Now I'm with master and he wants all the things I wanted but now I'm fufiling someones fantasy :o wow what a deal fufill someones fantasy while stll accomplishing everything I wanted to do! Me and master are a great fit together don't ya think?
Saturday, January 1, 2011
If you read haru haru you would have known that I have accepted in my heart that master could have -A- girlfriend untill we can meet and live togetheer and whatnots!but it wasn't till today that master told me that he wanted MULTIPLE girls all during our relationship even if we get married and grow old..black girls,spanish girls,asian girls,girls with big boobs,girls with small boobs,girls with big eyes,girls with small eyes,hairy girls,shaven girls etc etc. Master wants to play with his fantasy and try out multiple girls! After he said that I couldn't help but feel a bit sad/disgusted..master wants to have one girl which takes care of him and knows him and is esentially his ideal girl but what's with these other random random girls? What's the point of an ideal girl if you want to have multiple diffrent girls?? A bit contradicting his ideal girl will actually esentially be his 2nd option when he gets bored of these random girls mm..if master has told me this earlier I would have kept a distance from him not a far distance but deff wouldn't let my heart get tooo excited with him its esentially setting your heart up for heartbreak! How cruel is it that you've changed you whole self to please a guy and he just goes and fucks other girls? Master says he wants someone with a charitable good heart but I wonder how good this is? After master said his whole speech about wanting multiple girls suddenly I wasn't so excited to reply back to his messages :/ but what shall I do? Master wants/needs other girlfriends to fully complete his fantasys?master said he wouldn't get a girl because it will hurt me but..not letting him get multiple girls will hurt him mmmm bearlier this week I felt like I had stepped two steps forward with master being his kitty but why do I feel like I stepped 3 steps back?
Master set some resolutions for me this year quite impossable...I worry what the rest of the list looks like
I feel like when I'm on break I get LESS sleep then when I'm at school -_-
Master sent me pictures of hello kitty and daniel he saw them at the malll I would love to post it but some people are in the picture including a cute smalll child! So I won't if I ever feel like photoshoping it though I will deff post it on the blog! Master is really nice taking pictures I really don't expect pictures of anything master does I'm happy just knowing what he ate for dinner and what he did rofl but kinda more intrested in dinner! I learned a lot about chinese food
I've created a super asian plan!
Any really big eloborate plan I call a super asian plan because I notice some asians are extra smart rofl anywayss
Master wants me to study mandarain and cantonese! So what I will do is I will take manadarain classes and then self study cantonese once I get the tones right I should be ok? I self studied korean and japanese and my korean sounds normalish! But like in japanese as long as you know how to pronounce the letters you can say anything exsample:
Watashi wa kawaii desu! If you knew how to say the letters correctly you would be able to say this sentnece really nice but you might not know what it means..this sentence means I am cute!
Actually tonight I'm not really inspired to blog much :o
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