Saturday, June 18, 2011


Today was an intresting day!~~
I like talking to people other then my master with bdsm intrests
They remind me of how awesome I am :D
Master rarely gives out compliments and he only says thanks when he means it?
So I guess it makes his compliments 10x more special in my heart..
I had an ex every day every minute and every second he would call me beautiful
It was amazing at first
I was always beautiful rain or shine..
I've had a lot of exs like that :D always beautiful...
Today this 45ish? Year old guy attempted to seduce me? (Yea he's married!)
It was intresting to say the least
He called me beautiful and clever and funny and a great personality!~
The same time he said that master was being a spelling natzi (~_~) fail...
So I guess master counter acted how smart I felt (lameee!~~)
Well in fact this guy did not want to date me but instead rent me as his slave..
Nothing in real life due to his wife
Nothing too intense due to his wife
And I get paid for this!
He wanted to pay me $100 a month!
But I'm no cheap whore nor am I stupid ( -_-)
I made him increase the price to $200
With ATLEAST $50 increase monthly if he is happy (which he will be)
The money I earn I am putting in master and I bank..
The money will cover applying to uc schools ($120)
And cover our 11/11/11 adventure!~
And the rest will be for boobies!~
Pretty good plan in my opinion..everything is going towards the future
I'm not whoring out for pretty clothes or pretty jewlery
Its for the future of me and Masters..
Maybe if master needs the money to stay in the usa I could give it to him :D
I'm not sure how visas work to be honest..xD but I hope this guy is legit
So me and master can start this!
I want master to be in control of the money..
Is that weird? I am whoring myself out but I want master to control it?
He is an accounting ex major xD so he knows best I hope he agrees to control it!~
This renting kitty out is a bit weird..
He wants to rent me but feel like he is not renting?
He doesn't want to see or hear or read about my master
I told him that this is fine but if he does not pay up he will hear from my master
So..I kinda told him my master is a lawyer..its not a lie
My master writes and talks like a lawyer
He read up on laws online and understands
Actually I think that if I fail the mcat ill try the lsat
And if I fail both..well I guess ill study business :p
When all else fails study business rofl xD
As a kitty the one thing I want from my master is to feel protected
On a 1 to 10 scale the amount of protection I feel is around a 4ish
Master gets low score for protection..
Rawrr does not protect broken hearts -_- and lost friendships
I feel protected when real danger comes to take me away from master
But not a casual sense of protection?
Thinking back..the modeling idea was a BAD IDEA if I had continued
I think I would have been hurt so badly emotionally and maybe physically?
But it was ok for master..with small conditions
If I counted the ammount of times someone on collarme made me cry
I would lose count too much...wayyy too much..
Sometimes I wonder if master knew this person would hurt me?
Hawaii ranks high on the cm hurt list
I have been hurt and abused by him in so many ways @_@
But...even those he hurts me I still WANT to be friends with him
And the process continues..
I don't like crying over anyone that is not master
Its not right why does he want me to cry
Is he crazy?
Why is it that when I get hurt my master just says rawwr?
rawr I love you don't cry?
Or rawrrr your such a stupid girl
Master has the best intrest for me because he loves me?
Maybe he wants to give me freedom to explore and expand and not hate him
But ugh I hate being hurt its not just hawaii
Its logging on to messenger with pure HATE
Hate because I won't show boobies
Hate because I have a boyfriend
Hate because i won't date you
Hate because I won't submit to you
Everyone on messenger hates me :/
So sad...
I think I will delete my cm profile enough hate I'm done
If I do go back to cm maybe my name will be like permenentlyowned xD

I am really scared that master will look at me
And not see kitty
But see someone else..
When he looks at me he will see his true love his x
And I will look at master and see that he doesn't see kitty..
Maybe every girl has that fear deep down?
I have horrable dreams of master...
Crazy dreams
Humiliating dreams..
Funny dreams :D
I dream of master so much that its crazy!~
He's all I dream of
I bet if master had real dreams he would dream of me..

Today I cried a lot..
Just listening to songs!~
Why am I so emotional to songs
I imagine master is singing me these beautiful love songs in korean
Although I know he can't sing korean..
I think the first guy that sings me a korean love song will win my heart over
Which is why I never let guys sing me korean love songs..
I don't want anyone to have my heart but master!~
Master has my heart with or without korean love songs
I guess korean love songs are just tricks to win me over
Master doesn't need tricks he has a slave bound to him forever!~

When I first met master he gave me a fresh breeze of asianness :p
Loljk he gave me annoying long long long typing of long bdsm things
But it did not matter because I was heads over heels in love!~
In love no matter what he said..
And here I am in love no matter who he is :p
But one thing thing changedy
I see master as himself not as someone close to onew
I don't even put onew and master in the same sentence
I love Master he's my oppa :D
I like onew he is cute
But onew is NOT my oppa anymore!~~

My master really wants to live in cali..
So I guess I will have to live in cali :p
I know my master won't be happy anywhere else :D
I liked going to cali school when I was single and without a master
But now that I have my own asian master is a cali school reallly important?
:p master won't even allow me to dorm with guys!~
Me and 4 asian guys = fun!+kareoke! Yayyyyy
Let's just see...
Studying in summer sucks I only managed to study for 2hrs today I was aiming for 3
But ugh head hurts my brain is pouning with formulas and triangles
Master takes breaks when he studies but I can't break..xD that's why I did not make it to 3hrs

My master picked out an awesome computer for me!
But my brother says not enough space..
So my dad is like no -_- you need more space since ur brother said so
Is it reallly not enough space
Or is my brother jealous?
So..while searching for more space I found the dr.dre laptop! Omg I'm in love!!
Its sleek and hot and expensive and ahhhhh amazing!~~
Its so stylish sooo me!
And sound is good so I can watch asian dramas!
So the question comes down big is a 14inch xD am I willing to go from 17in to 14inc
I will most likley get masters computer because master likes it..but it looks awkward compare to dr.dre
But if oppa says its good for me he knows best!~
The days fly by its Saturday I thought it was wensday..
Where am I?
Oh yea I'm stuck behind sat prep books

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