Why is being a bimbo so awesome?
Being a bimbo is a great privilage, the problem with being a bimbo is that not all girls (or males) can pull off the look.The girl who can pull off such a bimbo look is special indeed,the bimbo look includes short outftis,big boobs,raging sex drive, and of course,being the hottest sex toy. Being a bimbo you should never forget your "hater blockers"" many people are jalously or hate bimbos for various reasons, one reason could be that girls wished they looked hot like you. In japan sex dolls are wanted by a few creepy people,but being a bimbo gives your boyfriend the special joy of having his own personal sex doll for him to use,and abuse.Because Bimbos are treated as sex dolls they get to expirence a larger range of sexual expirence , that other girls may not expirences because the boyfriend is scared of being labeled as "creepy."Being a bimbo also allows you to expirence the more sensual parts of youself. Bimbos do have a few "non awesome" sides, such as always being kept in chastity so you can be kept horny to be used at any time, but even these "non awesome" parts have bright sides.An exsample would be when kept in chastity your servitude to your keyholder increases, which such increases you become better at performing sensual activities such as massages and blowjobs, because your not fcousing on yourself but rather focousing on your keyholers pleasure. Being a bimbo will make you unforgetable in not only your keyholders mind but also the people you meet with,and the strangers that happened to glance your way.An unforgetable memory of the hottest bimbo the world would ever see.
Ehh a bit weird to see me write with periods?
I think this is a bit unsmooth and I maybe could have made it flowed better?
But all in all I LIKE IT :D
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