Lately I've been doing some deep thinking just a bit curious about well everything
And one thing that really botheredd me was that I'm so young and so far I have not yet participated in an activity that helps a greater cause and I helped that cause with all my heart actively happily working to be a part of something bigger then I was reading the news online and there is an organization called students help rebuild its a project with a huge emphesis on haiti but because of the recent japan issue they have some things you can do for japan! One of those things is making cranes each crane you make and send it the organization will donate two dollars so just making 5 cranes you have just raised 10usd for japan!! So far I raised 40usd for japan and I'm still making cranes!!~I hope to make 200 cranes and raise 400usd but I've got my friends involved also and they also wish to help japan maybe we wll have a total of 400 cranes raising 800usd? But deadline is quickly approaching....I need to find something that I'm really passionate about other then obstetric fistula and organ donation a lot of my friends are applying for volunteer things just so it would look nice on a paper is it wrong to look for something I want to do? Other then just do it because I have too? This society can be so twisted when I volunteer I want people to see my true passionate emotions about helping not just view me as someone who only needs it for school or a class or something...
Before I met master I never really thought deeply
I also find I can easily arrange my ideas for arguments I steal tips from master thanks master :D
I watch and read the news more without forcing myself but I started watching the news without noticing and started reading without noticing...and now I cant go a day without watching the news
But I gues the worst part of everything that chhanged since meeting master is I look at boobs too much :o I wonder if its real I wonder if master would like it etc. Ahhh too much boobies I need my own fake boobies!
Master has made such a weird impact on my life..the other day someone asked me what has my master done for me he never gives tasks he only gives out essays but now that I think on it my master has given me more then anyone else ever could :D
But now I feel bad because I never gave him anything except maybe a little brush up on his korean and chinese haha :D what does XXXX mean in chinese? And he will be like ughhh hahaha
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