I've been doing a lot of dress shopping I am going away in 2 weeks to a medical convention and there will be a lot of cute boys maybe I could tease a few XD I'm the type to wear something short so that boys will look and be like omg!~ hahha its fun here's some dresses I've been looking at...
This is so angelic and cute :D ahh!~ love it
This dress is called showstopper..would I really stop the show? :D I think this dress would look amazing with my skin tone..
Maybe sometimes simplicity is good?
I must say this is my fav outfit out of everything I've looked at..its so sexy and soo submissive..sooo perfect it looks like a collar...black looks reallly good on me so wearing this would be like woahhhh!~~~~~~~~~~~ but I fear itts tooo sexual
Master is going away to europe tomarrow I'm excited because I. Know my master really does deserve a break school is soo busy for him..my grades are goo so far all A' and B's I'm happy that I can maintain good grades :) my master is very special to me he makes me smile so big and I eagerly work hard to be the type of slave he wanted..master wanted to be in control of my diet but after seeing masters busy lifestyle I couldn't become a burden on master with him thinking abt my weight or whatnots soo I joined a weight loss program and I should be at my desired weight by june! If everything works out well (which it will) I'm excited..but just loosing weight isn't good I had to start saving for boob implants so I begun to think......should I save for implants? Or should I play the loto? Orr should I win a contest! So I chose to. Win contests it seems like it will be hard to win but I'm young and full of energy so I think I can do it..I wonder if 10k would be enough to cover for the surgery.
I would really perfer to win contests for the boobs because I don't want master to have to save money for booobs when he could easily save money for something else! Like our amazing wedding duhh!~~haha
I know if I start looking for financial slaves I could easily come across some I have two offers at the momment..one from a long time buddy and one from this guy with like a 3 inch dick no I'm legit its 3inches :o its soo small I can't help but laugh XD he was in "love" with this girl and then the girl dumped him for a black guy I wonder whyyXD
Master really hurt me yesterday when he told me he wanted to kiss this girl because she looked hot :/ I need to work hard to be 10x hotter! I was a bit hurt because since me and master are in a relationship I couldn't believe he wanted to kiss the girl but he did not kiss her :D so that means master really loves me?
But that expirence was an eyeopener I really need to work hard so masters mind won't mingle lol
If I had the chance to kiss onew would I?
Well..onew is a bad kisser XD
But I wouldn't kiss onew why would i risk my relationship with master for a boy I don't even know?
Some people consider kissing cheating (like me)
But I think indirect kissing is ok..indirect kissing is like sharing straws XD or some activity where both your lips touch but its not like a direct kiss idk XD
I am working hard everyday to study so I can get good testscores and maybe go to a university in cali?
I really wanted to go to UCLA (awesome premed program) but I will go to a school in sanfran
I'm volunteering tomarrow I'm excited :D I like volunteering its a nice way to spend your weekend
Omg! Me and master can go on a voluntering date!
Its not as weird as it sounds I promise XD
First...we both volunteer at the same place and help ppl etc.
And after we helped ppl and feel accomplished we go to the park and eat :D
I guess a volunteering date does sound a bit weird..but I like volunteering
I volunteered last weekend :D
You should volunteer also!~
On collarme I'm quite popular love collarme 100x more then fetlife its almost impossiable to connect with people on fetlife if you haven't met them in real and I'm not even allowed to meet ppl rawrrr
Theirs this indian boy and I really like him he always sends me legit messages and has not even talked about my boobs or lips or anything we just talk about india. XD which I know quite a lot I can legitly hold a nice convo about india he's from north india but I know a lot of things about south india
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