Is it illegal to steal someones heart?
I think it should be..
Master stole my heart...I saw master last night it felt like he was sparkaling...was I dreaming I ask myself...he looked perfect words can't describe it I always think master is cute but for some reason when I saw him lastt was diffrent...I compared him to onew one of the highest compliments you might receive from me...but in fact he did not look like onew he looked better I fangirled soo much last night some people joke around and say fangirls drool...well maybe its not a joke I was thinking about masters cock and well..yea XD do I want his cock that much...?I did not get to skype with master long become he is pmsing but its ok my brain was quickly turning mush at the sight of him
All this week though peopple have been manipulating me they ask me how I am and then ask about my master and the conversation usually stops because the type of question regarding master kitty was not sure what he was doing.questions like how's your he busy today did you get a session? When was the last session? Was it fun? Is he fun? When's the last time you talk to you master? Do you miss me?. O_o then after kitty couldn't reply they would instantly be like...your so cute and nice with nice pretty body don't be with him anymore he doesn't deserve you etc.etc. this continued like all week from about 3 diffrent people it was annoying I hate being mindfucked what gives people the right to mindfuck me? Althught I was being mindfucked I got a bit confused I guess I know who I can trust and who I can't trust..
I find that online I am more easy to be taken advantage of I'm not quite sure real I am witty and quickly stand up for myself and don't care about what people think of me..people at my school think I'm quite weird I guess I'm weird but is being weird really that bad of a crime? I rather be myself anyways I don't want to listen to rap and pretend I love it..I'm just fine with my kpop and cpop but online I often find myself crying when people I care about and know make fun of me and manipulate me..I have many long term online friendships the longest being 5 years and the shortest long term being 1 year XD I have a lot of really weird friends...crossdressers and gang leaders haha well maybe they are not in a gang...who knows right?
Usually when I eat chow mein I feel a huge sense of yummyness yayyy chow mein! But my mom bought me a whole bag of chow mein but when I eat it I don't feel anything are my tastebuds betraying me? I used to be able to quickly eat one lb of chow mein now I can't do it :/
A medical competition is coming up this week..last time I won 3rd place lots and lots and lots of people competed and I placed 3rd I felt proud of myself but this week I am competing on the state level..I'm happy bc I get a break from school and I also packed alllllll my sexy clothing yayy since I'm bad at public speaking I was thinking fml I wonder if I can do it? I praticed hard so hopefully everything goes smoothly! Today we held a pratice run just to see how you line up compared to other people ~_~ I was soo nervous but actually I placed highly...not just highly but 1st fucking place beat that :p before pratice today I was nervous public speaking is a downfall for me sometimes....I waited for my turn to nervous I was shaking so obviously had to listen to onew...but onew didn't cure my nerves so I started humming onews part..but it didn't help and then I decided to look at saved gifs nope didn't work then my last hope at feeling comfort I looked at a picture of onews jyaio face and his peace sign but it did not comfort but then I listened to wonderful tonight cover by this asian boy xD and I felt at peace...and I listened to taeyang I need a girl cover haha and I started laughing I remember master covering this song best fucking cover ever god I wish I had it recorded XD even if his korean sucks and he can't ever rap gdragons part I love it :D why is it only things related to master made me calm? Hopefully at competition I can use the same tactic to get first place again XD?
Ahh not really much bddsm to put into this blog today but didn't you get a fairshare of bdsm last week?
Monday, March 28, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Yesterday was also the day I started my lifestyle change!
My current lifestyle now is fine nothing too bad or dangerous but I feel as if I'm forever wasting my time...
For exsample on they had an article about Jung woo and because I did not know who he was I googled him and watched many many many many videos by him XD but back to my lifestyle change the important points I plan on changing.....
~My excersise workout plan I want to include more running and by 11/12/11 I want to easily run a 5k race for charity a 5k race is 3 miles...I only want to run with master for my first race...maybe if we like it we can do the cityscramble race...its a race about 12miles but at each station you have to solve a mystery puzzle or math equation or something I volunteerd there before quite fun! And we will win for sure bc master is a math major and ill bring my calculator!
-Eating habits! Ok I want to eat better more salad less chowmein more water less coke etc etc etc.but I also want to learn to cook chinese food forget chinese food ill be so happy if I even learn to cook XD but the thing is...I only want to eat with chopsticks I want to eat with chopsticks until I become a pro like master...duude we could play chopstick games yayyy chopstick games!
-Slavery I want to do my assignments and tasks and orders and whatnot to the best of my ability and do it quickly! I don't want to keep my master waiting for too long he shouldn't even be waiting -_-
-Study...I want to spend atleast 1hr on clep prep daily and also one hour on other important testpreps I want to score high. And make master proud! I can do it fighting!~ haha
-Testing- I want to take atleast 5 clep exams by the end of the summer...
Back on the subjects of cooking...I want to cook...
Chinese food,thai food(ooo exotic),korean food!!! Espicially tofu because onew like tofu :D,itallian food and any other randomness I can think of XD deff gonna post some of my random random random cooking projects I'm debating wether I should learn to cook dim sum or learn to cook jajangmyeon yummy!~
Master likes soup but the truth is...I've never finished a whole bowl of soup before XD maybe I'm not ment to be a soup person..hahaha soup makes me soo full it feels like I might implode!
Next post would show my food projects list fo sure!
Oh on a side note maybe ill learn how to make towel cakes mm..... can you tell I'm hungry =o?
My current lifestyle now is fine nothing too bad or dangerous but I feel as if I'm forever wasting my time...
For exsample on they had an article about Jung woo and because I did not know who he was I googled him and watched many many many many videos by him XD but back to my lifestyle change the important points I plan on changing.....
~My excersise workout plan I want to include more running and by 11/12/11 I want to easily run a 5k race for charity a 5k race is 3 miles...I only want to run with master for my first race...maybe if we like it we can do the cityscramble race...its a race about 12miles but at each station you have to solve a mystery puzzle or math equation or something I volunteerd there before quite fun! And we will win for sure bc master is a math major and ill bring my calculator!
-Eating habits! Ok I want to eat better more salad less chowmein more water less coke etc etc etc.but I also want to learn to cook chinese food forget chinese food ill be so happy if I even learn to cook XD but the thing is...I only want to eat with chopsticks I want to eat with chopsticks until I become a pro like master...duude we could play chopstick games yayyy chopstick games!
-Slavery I want to do my assignments and tasks and orders and whatnot to the best of my ability and do it quickly! I don't want to keep my master waiting for too long he shouldn't even be waiting -_-
-Study...I want to spend atleast 1hr on clep prep daily and also one hour on other important testpreps I want to score high. And make master proud! I can do it fighting!~ haha
-Testing- I want to take atleast 5 clep exams by the end of the summer...
Back on the subjects of cooking...I want to cook...
Chinese food,thai food(ooo exotic),korean food!!! Espicially tofu because onew like tofu :D,itallian food and any other randomness I can think of XD deff gonna post some of my random random random cooking projects I'm debating wether I should learn to cook dim sum or learn to cook jajangmyeon yummy!~
Master likes soup but the truth is...I've never finished a whole bowl of soup before XD maybe I'm not ment to be a soup person..hahaha soup makes me soo full it feels like I might implode!
Next post would show my food projects list fo sure!
Oh on a side note maybe ill learn how to make towel cakes mm..... can you tell I'm hungry =o?
Sunday, March 20, 2011
A taken in hand relationship is a relationship that is male led and the female partner submits to the male in everyday life situations or decisions. A simple exsample of this everyday life situation would be if the couple is arguing the female would agree with the male side even if she knows her side is right.The female also gives complete submission to what the male perfers such as what clothing to wear,how to style her hair,what type of friends she should have and many other things.but unlike bdsm taken in hand focous more on vanilla aspects in a daily life and not just specificly in certain scenes,and the women in the relationship usually do not identify themself as property or owned.Chains,collars and whips are not ued in a taken in hand relationship although it can be used.The main method of discplines is a spanking they use spankings as a way to punnish disobedience,arguing or as a way to end disputes.In this relationship what the male says goes and is the final word.t
Orgasams are enjoyed by many and is a great way to relax and destress.Although having orgasams are nice a small percentage of people have a problem with orgasams and tend to orgasam more then the norm.In the midevil ages a device called a chastity belt was made the chastity belt allowed for girls to be safe without fear of being penetrated by guys.some of these devices allowed men to enter their vagaina but it causes them great pain and sometimes result in having their penis cut off.In the 21st century today chastity belts are conciderd cruel and unusual but in the bdsm community they are commonly used for orgasam denial or control.When a master or mistress controls someones orgasams they feel many emotions the master or mistress has complete control over their slaves sexual releases.To add to this fun they usually incorporate a lot of tease and denial where they have the slave get close to having and orgasam and then they deny them of that release such tease and denial sessions can go on for hours.After a short while the slave can be easily molded to do whatever you desire in exchange for their sexual release.Many Doms have noticed that their slaves perform sexual tasks much better and much more concentrated on their owners needs in hopes that they might get rewarded for doing such wonderfull service to the dom.Slaves that are denied for a long period of time have claimed that they can feel the pleasure that their dom feels because they have connected on a higher level with their dom.Orgasam control is something that requires behavior modification you have to slowly condition yourself to orgasam control once fully conditioned it can be possiable to stop orgasaming half way through and with patience you will be able to cum on command.If conditioned correctly your body will keep cumming untill told to stop.their is no right or wrong way to train someone into orgasam denial or orgasam control but something that you should always keep in mind is that orgasam control is not for everyone and not everyone can be successful in orgasam control.If you are intrested in orgasam control or denial here are the most important things you will need to have in order to have a successful training you need time,patience,support and lots of love.
Soap barr
Master often wishes for many hard to accomplish tasks and body modifications.These modifications can be costly,dangerous and can be permenant.As a slave i should be giving master everything he wants without complaint or argument because this is simply how it should be done.It is not often that i do say no to what master wishes,but if there is a time where i feel enclined to say no before saying no i should ask myself a couple questions. Is what master wants going to benefit our relationship? Is it something that can be done resonably? Do i have the funds to do this? Would it be dangerous to my health or my masters health? The last question i should ask myself is why do I object to something master wishes.After answering these questions i should be able to accept masters wishes.
Total power exchange is an intresting bdsm concept total power exchange is giving up complete power to the master.All safewords and limits are void and the power is completly in the Masters hands.These type of relationships are rare because very few people can put so much trust in another person other then themself.The slave must work hard to please the master the things they do may include public humiliation,public use of collar,being whored out and many more.As a slave I wish to give master a total power exchange relationship.I have a few limits but even though I have a few limits a total power exchange relationship has no limits.To soften my limits i must first consider which one of my limits I am ok to do on a irregular basis. I also must consider which limits my master might enjoy exploiting after these considerations are made I should then deleate these items from my limits.Some limits take time and trust to be removed but as our relationship continues the limits will slowly start to soften and then eventually be removed.Sadly there is no secret tip or secret method to get limits removed or soften it requires time and trust.
*happiness through self sacrifice requirement removed at 3:43pm 3/18/11*
As a slave you should not have any possessions such as I own this car,or this house or this is my money.All possessions should go directly to master and become his.Slaves do not have the right to own anything of value.When me and master live together my paycheck will automaticly go to him.Master owns every penny I make and will be able to use it as he sees fit.At first loosing your possessions sounds a bit scary but it is a concept that ive already accepted. To be a slave with nothing but master is something I look forward too I want master to control every part of me in any way he deems fit.There are many steps I have to accomplish to get to that point in our relationship but we are at a good start to a bright future.
Total power exchange is an intresting bdsm concept total power exchange is giving up complete power to the master.All safewords and limits are void and the power is completly in the Masters hands.These type of relationships are rare because very few people can put so much trust in another person other then themself.The slave must work hard to please the master the things they do may include public humiliation,public use of collar,being whored out and many more.As a slave I wish to give master a total power exchange relationship.I have a few limits but even though I have a few limits a total power exchange relationship has no limits.To soften my limits i must first consider which one of my limits I am ok to do on a irregular basis. I also must consider which limits my master might enjoy exploiting after these considerations are made I should then deleate these items from my limits.Some limits take time and trust to be removed but as our relationship continues the limits will slowly start to soften and then eventually be removed.Sadly there is no secret tip or secret method to get limits removed or soften it requires time and trust.
*happiness through self sacrifice requirement removed at 3:43pm 3/18/11*
As a slave you should not have any possessions such as I own this car,or this house or this is my money.All possessions should go directly to master and become his.Slaves do not have the right to own anything of value.When me and master live together my paycheck will automaticly go to him.Master owns every penny I make and will be able to use it as he sees fit.At first loosing your possessions sounds a bit scary but it is a concept that ive already accepted. To be a slave with nothing but master is something I look forward too I want master to control every part of me in any way he deems fit.There are many steps I have to accomplish to get to that point in our relationship but we are at a good start to a bright future.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Updated "the list"
Willingness quick-key:
? Don't understand this item.
* I will do with current sex partner only.
NO I WILL NOT DO that item under ANY circumstances (a hard limit).
0 No desire, don't like, will permit if special to Dom (a soft limit).
1 Don't want to do, but will.
2 Willing to do, but has no special appeal.
3 Usually LIKE doing, on an irregular/ occasional basis.
4 LIKE doing, would like it on a regular basis.
5 WILD TURN-ON, would like it as often as possible.
Abrasion : 1
Age play : 1
Anal sex : 2
Anal plugs (small) : *
Anal plugs (large) :*
Anal plug (public, under clothes): *
Animal roles : 1
Arm & leg sleeves (armbinders) :?
Aromas : 5
Asphyxiation :NO
Auctioned for charity : NO..well only if it was for a few hours then 2
Ball stretching :N/A
Bathroom use control :5
Bestiality :NO
Beating (soft) : 1
Beating (hard) : no/*
Blindfolds : 5
Being serviced (sexual) : 5
Being bitten : *...
Breast/chest bondage : 4
Breath control : 0
Branding : 0
Boot worship : 2
Bondage (light) :5
Bondage (heavy) :2
Bondage (multi-day) : 2/*
Bondage (public, under clothing) : 3
Breast whipping : 0/*
Brown showers (scat) : NO
Cages (locked inside of) : 3
Caning : 0/1/*
Castration fantasy : 0/3/4/****/maybe
Catheterization : 1
Cattle prod (electrical toy) : NO
Cells/Closets (locked inside of) :1
Chains :5
Chamber-pot use :NO
Chastity belts :5!!!!
Chauffeuring :5 :)
Choking :0/*
Chores (domestic service) :4
Clothespins :0/1/*
Cock rings/straps :N/A
Cock worship :5
Collars (worn in private) :5
Collars (worn in public) :3*
Competitions (with other subs) :5!!
Corsets (wearing casually) :5
Corsets (trained waist reduction):5
Cross-dressing :0
Cuffs (leather) :5
Cuffs (metal) :5
Cutting :NO
Diapers (wearing) :no
Diapers (wetting) :no
Diapers (soiling) :no
Dilation :no
Dildoes :5
Double penetration :5
Electricity :no
Enemas (for cleansing) :0/*
Enemas (retention/punishment) :0/*
Enforced chastity : 5!
Erotic dance (for audience) : 1
Examinations (physical) :5
Exercise (forced/required) :2
Exhibitionism (friends) :no
Exhibitionism (strangers) :2
Eye contact restrictions :1*
Face slapping :0/*
Fantasy abandonment : no
Fantasy rape :no
Fantasy gang-rape :no
Fear (being scared) : 0/*
Fisting (anal) : 0
Fisting (vaginal) :0
Flame play : NO
Following orders :5
Food play (cucumbers, sorbet...) :5
Foot worship :1/*
Forced bedwetting :3
Forced dressing :3
Forced eating :1*
Forced homosexuality :0
Forced heterosexuality : 0
Forced masturbation :5
Forced nudity (private) :5
Forced nudity (around others) :NO
Forced servitude :5
Forced smoking :NO
Full head hoods :0/*
Gags (cloth) : 3
Gags (inflatible) :3
Gags (phallic) :4
Gags (rubber) :4
Gags (tape) :2
Gas masks :0
Gates of Hell (male) :N/A
Genital sex :5
Given away to another Dom (temp) :NO
Given away to another Dom (perm) :NO
Golden showers :0
Gun play :NO
Hairbrush spankings :2
Hair pulling :0
Hand jobs (giving) :5
Hand jobs (receiving) :N/A
Harems (serving w/other subs) : /NO
Harnessing (leather) :
Harnessing (rope) :
Having food chosen for you :3
Having clothing chosen for you :5
Head (give fellatio/cunnilingus) :5
Head (rcv fellatio/cunnilingus) :5
High heel wearing :5
High heel worship :0
Homage with tongue (non-sexual) :?
Hoods :1
Hot oils (on genitals) :1
Hot waxing :*
Housework (doing) :4
Human puppy dog :0
Humiliation (private) :5
Humiliation (public) :4
Hypnotism :5
Ice cubes :4
Immobilization :3
Infantilism :?
Initiation rites :?
Injections :0
Intricate (Japanese) rope bondage:5
Interrogations :0?
Kidnapping :0?/NO
Kneeling :3/**Has trouble kneeling for long periods**
Knife play :no
Leather clothing :5
Leather restraints :5
Lectures for misbehavior :0
Licking (non-sexual) :* wtf
Lingerie (wearing) :5
Manacles & irons :?
Manicures (giving) :5!
Massage (giving) :5
Massage (receiving) :5
Medical scenes :0
Modeling for erotic photos :5
Mouth bits :?
Mummification :?
Name change (for scene) :5
Name change (legal, permanant) :no
Nipple clamps :0/no
Nipple rings (piercings) :0/no
Nipple play/"torture" :0/no
Nipple weights :0/no
Oral/anal play (rimming) :1
Over-the-knee spanking :1
Orgasm denial :5!
Orgasm control :5
Outdoor scenes :0
Outdoor sex :5 :D
Pain (mild) :0
Pain (medium) :0
Pain (severe) :0
Persona training (in scene) :4
Personality modification (RL) :0/*
Phone sex (serving Dom) :1
Phone sex (serving Dom's friends):1
Phone sex (commercial provider) :1
Piercing (temporary, play-pierce):4
Piercing (permanent) :4
Plastic surgery :5
Prison scenes :0
Prostitution (public pretense) :no
Prostitution (actual) :no
Pony slave :no
Public exposure :no
Punishment Scene :no
Pussy/cock whipping :5
Pussy worship :n/a
Riding crops :4
Riding the "horse" (crotch tort.):0
Rituals :4
Religious scenes :0
Restrictive rules on behavior :5
Rubber/latex clothing :2
Rope body harness :2
Saran wrapping :2
Scarification :no....
Scratching - getting :0
Scratching - giving :0
Sensory deprivation :5
Serving :5
Serving as art :5
Serving as ashtray :NO
Serving as furniture :3
Serving as a maid :5
Serving as toilet (urine) :no?/*
Serving as toilet (feces) :NO
Serving as waitress/waiter :5
Serving orally (sexual) :5
Serving other doms (supervised) :0
Serving other doms (unsupervised):0
Sexual deprivation (short term) :5
Sexual deprivation (long term) :5
Shaving (body hair) :5? I mean i like to shave?
Shaving (genital hair) :5
Shaving (head hair) :0 No
Skinny-dipping :5
Sleep deprivation :3
Sleepsacks :?
Slutty clothing (private) :5
Slutty clothing (public) :5
Spandex clothing :2
Spanking :1
Speech restrictions (when, what) :1
Speculums (anal) :?
Speculums (vaginal) :?
Spitting :?
Spreader bars :5
Standing in corner :1
Stocks :1
Straight jackets :1
Strap-on-dildos (sucking on) :5
Strap-on-dildos (penetrated by) :5
Strap-on-dildos (wearing) :2
Strapping (full body beating) :0
Suspension (upright) :0
Suspension (inverted) :4
Suspension (horizontal) :2
Supplying new partners for Dom : 0/NO
Swallowing feces : NO
Swallowing semen :5
Swallowing urine :No
Swapping (with one other couple) :no
Swinging (multiple couples) :3?
Tampon training (in ass) :1
Tattooing :0
Teasing :5
TENS Unit (electrical toy) :?
Thumbcuffs (metal) :?
Tickling :2
Triple penetration :5
Urethral sounds (metal rods) :?
Uniforms :2?
Including others :no
Vaginal dildo :5
Verbal humiliation :5
Vibrator on genitals :5
Violet Wand (electricial toy) :5
Voyeurism (watching others) :3
Voyeurism (your Dom w/others) :2
Video (watching others) : 3
Video (recordings of you) :2
Water torture :0?
Waxing (hair removal) :2
Wearing symbolic jewelery :5
Weight gain (forced) :NO
Weight loss (forced) :4
Whipping :1
Wooden paddles :1
Wrestling :0
Friday, March 18, 2011
Breast milk slows when milk accumulates in the breast and speeds up when less milk is in the breast.
The milk storage capacity can limit the ammount of milk someone can hold in their capacity is not determined by the size of a womens breast although women with larger breast generally are able to hold more milk.a women with a large storage capacity can hold more milk for a longer amount of time compared to someone with a small storage room. The key to getting more milk in your breast is to empty milk from your breast quickly and frequently by doing this you speed up milk synthesis and milk production.what can you do with more milk other then feed children? Many things can be done with breastmilk if breastmilk is stored correctly and sterily it can be use as treatment to cure wounds,burns and abrasions because breastmilk has strong antibodies and antitoxins.Breast milk can also help you get over many colds and viruses such as the common cold,H1N1 and pneumonia breast milk can help these viruses because of the immunologic properties and some research is being conducted to see if breast milk can help kill cancer cells but this research would need more time to develop.A book was published tittled "a breast feeding mother secret recipies" this book contains many delicious things that can be made using human breastmilk.Breast milk has also been made into a soap and those who use it consider it better then most hand cleaners!
The milk storage capacity can limit the ammount of milk someone can hold in their capacity is not determined by the size of a womens breast although women with larger breast generally are able to hold more milk.a women with a large storage capacity can hold more milk for a longer amount of time compared to someone with a small storage room. The key to getting more milk in your breast is to empty milk from your breast quickly and frequently by doing this you speed up milk synthesis and milk production.what can you do with more milk other then feed children? Many things can be done with breastmilk if breastmilk is stored correctly and sterily it can be use as treatment to cure wounds,burns and abrasions because breastmilk has strong antibodies and antitoxins.Breast milk can also help you get over many colds and viruses such as the common cold,H1N1 and pneumonia breast milk can help these viruses because of the immunologic properties and some research is being conducted to see if breast milk can help kill cancer cells but this research would need more time to develop.A book was published tittled "a breast feeding mother secret recipies" this book contains many delicious things that can be made using human breastmilk.Breast milk has also been made into a soap and those who use it consider it better then most hand cleaners!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Yesterday around this time I was talking to master
He's loving paris!~
We chatted about life and paris and nightclubs what nots...then I decided that I was gonna ask master something that I've. Been contemplating in my head for a long twin brother he really wants to talk to master via skype because he doesn't think that my master can play guitar+was in a heavy metal band + can really that's soo rare for such a cute little asian boy :p but midway through my sentence asking master if he would like to talk. To my brother I got nervous and changed the tone to a lighter joking way..but still 100% serious! But master was unsure what I ment because he was thinkiing about past conversation because master did not understand he got mad and I just felt really sad :( master was getting so mad and I never even did anything....I felt sad that I made master mad and I was mad that master could be so mean =/ but I blamed myself for even wanting master to talk to my and master haven't even reached that level in the relationship anyways I guess.....but after master read chatlogs he noticed that I didn't do anything wrong and he got mad too quickly so to makeup he gave me one week off froom dieting! And I plan on buying chowmein today yayyyy!~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ omg chow mein yes chow mein did I mention chow mein?yumm obviously I'm not mad at master chow mein solves everything
I showed some ppl in my class my master I introduced master as my master...and they thought he was really cute :D master has cute little eyes I think but his smile is number 1!~
Master gave me many assignment due Sunday and I think about it.......and I realized..that I haven't even done one assignments oh no -_- but its soo booring who wants to write about breastmilk I would rather write about what makes a good master or something ughhhh and then theirs a 5 paragraph essay due on Sunday also about something slavery.......if I ever told my friends I write essays for tasks they would be like @_@ but I love master even if it means I have to write somethings I actually wanna finish by Saturday...and then he could think about it on the plane? Idk but knowing me I won't be able to write everything by Saturday.....
He's loving paris!~
We chatted about life and paris and nightclubs what nots...then I decided that I was gonna ask master something that I've. Been contemplating in my head for a long twin brother he really wants to talk to master via skype because he doesn't think that my master can play guitar+was in a heavy metal band + can really that's soo rare for such a cute little asian boy :p but midway through my sentence asking master if he would like to talk. To my brother I got nervous and changed the tone to a lighter joking way..but still 100% serious! But master was unsure what I ment because he was thinkiing about past conversation because master did not understand he got mad and I just felt really sad :( master was getting so mad and I never even did anything....I felt sad that I made master mad and I was mad that master could be so mean =/ but I blamed myself for even wanting master to talk to my and master haven't even reached that level in the relationship anyways I guess.....but after master read chatlogs he noticed that I didn't do anything wrong and he got mad too quickly so to makeup he gave me one week off froom dieting! And I plan on buying chowmein today yayyyy!~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ omg chow mein yes chow mein did I mention chow mein?yumm obviously I'm not mad at master chow mein solves everything
I showed some ppl in my class my master I introduced master as my master...and they thought he was really cute :D master has cute little eyes I think but his smile is number 1!~
Master gave me many assignment due Sunday and I think about it.......and I realized..that I haven't even done one assignments oh no -_- but its soo booring who wants to write about breastmilk I would rather write about what makes a good master or something ughhhh and then theirs a 5 paragraph essay due on Sunday also about something slavery.......if I ever told my friends I write essays for tasks they would be like @_@ but I love master even if it means I have to write somethings I actually wanna finish by Saturday...and then he could think about it on the plane? Idk but knowing me I won't be able to write everything by Saturday.....
Monday, March 14, 2011
I was at the store today and people were watching the news about japan and talking about it and one man said that he would love to help! But america needs more help then japan right now so he can't help and the other person replied saying its ok if I don't help because someone else will..
Instead of going into a long annoying rant about how I feel I will use a quote to sum up everything
"What you do for yourelf dies with you what you do for others is eternal"
I plan on donating to japan when my paycheck comes on Friday!~ but atm I have no funds :(
I was thinking..would master think I'm weird if I just wanna volunteer as a date? And after thinking about this quote..I don't really care if master thinks its awesome is it that for a date what we did lives on forever? Going to the movies is fun don't get me wrong but some things are more precious then having fun just spending 1 hour at the nursing home two week ago made this lady so happy..and because she was so happy I felt content
I liked that feeling! This weekend I volunteerd again for a race that the procedes went to charity I enjoyed it and I had a lot of fun knowing that the money was going to a weekend iwould like to do something involved with japan..actually I wanted to volunteer this weekend but its my dads birthday so I can't volunteer :(
When I volunteer I volunteer with my friend I wonder if she feels the same way I do about volunteering
I'm a big tshirt junkie :o can't wait for some japan shirts to print!
another thing I've been intrested in is looking for a charity that I want to support...theirs soo much chairtys..when I mean support I mean like actually volunteering there often and doing many activities etc.
Master is having fun in england but internet is expensive I don't want him to worry about going online to talk to me or whatevers I'm ok without master for a week :D yes I miss him but it won't kill me to not talk to him like I've said in the. Past I don't want to be a needy person! Although sometimes I think master thinks I'm needy XD
Since internet is expensive I don't think I can send a have a safe trip email......I have a weird theory..I think when you die suddenly the last thing you remember is the last thing that happened to if I was to die now suddenly the last thing I. Would remember would be blogging :o but..since master is on a plane the last thing he might remember might be an ugly hostess or reading the airplane saftey I always send emails that are sappy and weird and long and kinda awkward XD in hopes master might giggle..but even if he doesn't giggle and just smile and say this is the sappiest crapppiest email ever its ok its better then rembering that he read the airplane saftey book...but that's just my oppinion on what happens I enjoy sending emails its fun :D
Master said the main quality he wants in a girl is a good heart...I wonder if that means master already went on volunteering dates...and blood donating dates..I don't think my heart is good but I wonder how good of a heart his past girlfriends it wrong to be curious :p? All masters past girlfriends are pretty amazing....going to great ivy league schools and they all sound like extra pretty..a pretty girl for a hot master!
Master gave me two assignments due on Sunday...oh joy....
On his long plane trip to england he planned on ways to torture kitty with assignments -_-
Instead of going into a long annoying rant about how I feel I will use a quote to sum up everything
"What you do for yourelf dies with you what you do for others is eternal"
I plan on donating to japan when my paycheck comes on Friday!~ but atm I have no funds :(
I was thinking..would master think I'm weird if I just wanna volunteer as a date? And after thinking about this quote..I don't really care if master thinks its awesome is it that for a date what we did lives on forever? Going to the movies is fun don't get me wrong but some things are more precious then having fun just spending 1 hour at the nursing home two week ago made this lady so happy..and because she was so happy I felt content
I liked that feeling! This weekend I volunteerd again for a race that the procedes went to charity I enjoyed it and I had a lot of fun knowing that the money was going to a weekend iwould like to do something involved with japan..actually I wanted to volunteer this weekend but its my dads birthday so I can't volunteer :(
When I volunteer I volunteer with my friend I wonder if she feels the same way I do about volunteering
I'm a big tshirt junkie :o can't wait for some japan shirts to print!
another thing I've been intrested in is looking for a charity that I want to support...theirs soo much chairtys..when I mean support I mean like actually volunteering there often and doing many activities etc.
Master is having fun in england but internet is expensive I don't want him to worry about going online to talk to me or whatevers I'm ok without master for a week :D yes I miss him but it won't kill me to not talk to him like I've said in the. Past I don't want to be a needy person! Although sometimes I think master thinks I'm needy XD
Since internet is expensive I don't think I can send a have a safe trip email......I have a weird theory..I think when you die suddenly the last thing you remember is the last thing that happened to if I was to die now suddenly the last thing I. Would remember would be blogging :o but..since master is on a plane the last thing he might remember might be an ugly hostess or reading the airplane saftey I always send emails that are sappy and weird and long and kinda awkward XD in hopes master might giggle..but even if he doesn't giggle and just smile and say this is the sappiest crapppiest email ever its ok its better then rembering that he read the airplane saftey book...but that's just my oppinion on what happens I enjoy sending emails its fun :D
Master said the main quality he wants in a girl is a good heart...I wonder if that means master already went on volunteering dates...and blood donating dates..I don't think my heart is good but I wonder how good of a heart his past girlfriends it wrong to be curious :p? All masters past girlfriends are pretty amazing....going to great ivy league schools and they all sound like extra pretty..a pretty girl for a hot master!
Master gave me two assignments due on Sunday...oh joy....
On his long plane trip to england he planned on ways to torture kitty with assignments -_-
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Heyyy haven't blogged in lykee forevers
I've been doing a lot of dress shopping I am going away in 2 weeks to a medical convention and there will be a lot of cute boys maybe I could tease a few XD I'm the type to wear something short so that boys will look and be like omg!~ hahha its fun here's some dresses I've been looking at...

This is so angelic and cute :D ahh!~ love it

This dress is called showstopper..would I really stop the show? :D I think this dress would look amazing with my skin tone..

Maybe sometimes simplicity is good?

I must say this is my fav outfit out of everything I've looked at..its so sexy and soo submissive..sooo perfect it looks like a looks reallly good on me so wearing this would be like woahhhh!~~~~~~~~~~~ but I fear itts tooo sexual
Master is going away to europe tomarrow I'm excited because I. Know my master really does deserve a break school is soo busy for grades are goo so far all A' and B's I'm happy that I can maintain good grades :) my master is very special to me he makes me smile so big and I eagerly work hard to be the type of slave he wanted..master wanted to be in control of my diet but after seeing masters busy lifestyle I couldn't become a burden on master with him thinking abt my weight or whatnots soo I joined a weight loss program and I should be at my desired weight by june! If everything works out well (which it will) I'm excited..but just loosing weight isn't good I had to start saving for boob implants so I begun to think......should I save for implants? Or should I play the loto? Orr should I win a contest! So I chose to. Win contests it seems like it will be hard to win but I'm young and full of energy so I think I can do it..I wonder if 10k would be enough to cover for the surgery.
I would really perfer to win contests for the boobs because I don't want master to have to save money for booobs when he could easily save money for something else! Like our amazing wedding duhh!~~haha
I know if I start looking for financial slaves I could easily come across some I have two offers at the from a long time buddy and one from this guy with like a 3 inch dick no I'm legit its 3inches :o its soo small I can't help but laugh XD he was in "love" with this girl and then the girl dumped him for a black guy I wonder whyyXD
Master really hurt me yesterday when he told me he wanted to kiss this girl because she looked hot :/ I need to work hard to be 10x hotter! I was a bit hurt because since me and master are in a relationship I couldn't believe he wanted to kiss the girl but he did not kiss her :D so that means master really loves me?
But that expirence was an eyeopener I really need to work hard so masters mind won't mingle lol
If I had the chance to kiss onew would I?
Well..onew is a bad kisser XD
But I wouldn't kiss onew why would i risk my relationship with master for a boy I don't even know?
Some people consider kissing cheating (like me)
But I think indirect kissing is ok..indirect kissing is like sharing straws XD or some activity where both your lips touch but its not like a direct kiss idk XD
I am working hard everyday to study so I can get good testscores and maybe go to a university in cali?
I really wanted to go to UCLA (awesome premed program) but I will go to a school in sanfran
I'm volunteering tomarrow I'm excited :D I like volunteering its a nice way to spend your weekend
Omg! Me and master can go on a voluntering date!
Its not as weird as it sounds I promise XD
First...we both volunteer at the same place and help ppl etc.
And after we helped ppl and feel accomplished we go to the park and eat :D
I guess a volunteering date does sound a bit weird..but I like volunteering
I volunteered last weekend :D
You should volunteer also!~
On collarme I'm quite popular love collarme 100x more then fetlife its almost impossiable to connect with people on fetlife if you haven't met them in real and I'm not even allowed to meet ppl rawrrr
Theirs this indian boy and I really like him he always sends me legit messages and has not even talked about my boobs or lips or anything we just talk about india. XD which I know quite a lot I can legitly hold a nice convo about india he's from north india but I know a lot of things about south india
I've been doing a lot of dress shopping I am going away in 2 weeks to a medical convention and there will be a lot of cute boys maybe I could tease a few XD I'm the type to wear something short so that boys will look and be like omg!~ hahha its fun here's some dresses I've been looking at...
This is so angelic and cute :D ahh!~ love it
This dress is called showstopper..would I really stop the show? :D I think this dress would look amazing with my skin tone..
Maybe sometimes simplicity is good?
I must say this is my fav outfit out of everything I've looked at..its so sexy and soo submissive..sooo perfect it looks like a looks reallly good on me so wearing this would be like woahhhh!~~~~~~~~~~~ but I fear itts tooo sexual
Master is going away to europe tomarrow I'm excited because I. Know my master really does deserve a break school is soo busy for grades are goo so far all A' and B's I'm happy that I can maintain good grades :) my master is very special to me he makes me smile so big and I eagerly work hard to be the type of slave he wanted..master wanted to be in control of my diet but after seeing masters busy lifestyle I couldn't become a burden on master with him thinking abt my weight or whatnots soo I joined a weight loss program and I should be at my desired weight by june! If everything works out well (which it will) I'm excited..but just loosing weight isn't good I had to start saving for boob implants so I begun to think......should I save for implants? Or should I play the loto? Orr should I win a contest! So I chose to. Win contests it seems like it will be hard to win but I'm young and full of energy so I think I can do it..I wonder if 10k would be enough to cover for the surgery.
I would really perfer to win contests for the boobs because I don't want master to have to save money for booobs when he could easily save money for something else! Like our amazing wedding duhh!~~haha
I know if I start looking for financial slaves I could easily come across some I have two offers at the from a long time buddy and one from this guy with like a 3 inch dick no I'm legit its 3inches :o its soo small I can't help but laugh XD he was in "love" with this girl and then the girl dumped him for a black guy I wonder whyyXD
Master really hurt me yesterday when he told me he wanted to kiss this girl because she looked hot :/ I need to work hard to be 10x hotter! I was a bit hurt because since me and master are in a relationship I couldn't believe he wanted to kiss the girl but he did not kiss her :D so that means master really loves me?
But that expirence was an eyeopener I really need to work hard so masters mind won't mingle lol
If I had the chance to kiss onew would I?
Well..onew is a bad kisser XD
But I wouldn't kiss onew why would i risk my relationship with master for a boy I don't even know?
Some people consider kissing cheating (like me)
But I think indirect kissing is ok..indirect kissing is like sharing straws XD or some activity where both your lips touch but its not like a direct kiss idk XD
I am working hard everyday to study so I can get good testscores and maybe go to a university in cali?
I really wanted to go to UCLA (awesome premed program) but I will go to a school in sanfran
I'm volunteering tomarrow I'm excited :D I like volunteering its a nice way to spend your weekend
Omg! Me and master can go on a voluntering date!
Its not as weird as it sounds I promise XD
First...we both volunteer at the same place and help ppl etc.
And after we helped ppl and feel accomplished we go to the park and eat :D
I guess a volunteering date does sound a bit weird..but I like volunteering
I volunteered last weekend :D
You should volunteer also!~
On collarme I'm quite popular love collarme 100x more then fetlife its almost impossiable to connect with people on fetlife if you haven't met them in real and I'm not even allowed to meet ppl rawrrr
Theirs this indian boy and I really like him he always sends me legit messages and has not even talked about my boobs or lips or anything we just talk about india. XD which I know quite a lot I can legitly hold a nice convo about india he's from north india but I know a lot of things about south india
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