Master drives me insane!~
In my head I'm going crazy ahhhhhhh...
I really like master even though he's really busy :)
I worrry I'm getting too needy I need to stop starting tomarrow! I don't want to be seen as needy...
Master told me today that if I ever left he would feel sad which is weird because I thought that I was the only one who woul ever feel sadd...I just love master with all my heart joppi says I'm stupid for loving someone with all my she said he he prob doesn't love me with all his heart but just some of it...but idk.. I can't help loving him he's too cute :Dtottallly my typeee!~
Yesterday I ordered pizza for the family and master was like order me one too!~~~ he was prob joking around but I said sure! And ordered him pizza and chicken wings he only wanter peperoni pizza but if he had wanted like 5diff toppings I woudve happily ordered it for him and after I bought it I felt really really good I like that feeling :)
Being with master is insane but I love every second :o (oh no)
I have to work hard and lose weight
And work hard and get good grades
And work harder to get test scores
Work much much harder to participate in scholarship craps
And then work the hardest to be the best bimbo I can be :D
But I can do it :D and ill do it with happiness and excitment because I'm gonna be masters bimboo!~ lalalalalala!~ oh I even made a song to celebrate me being a awesome bimbo
I can't wait to go to bdsm parties with master ill be the hottest slave there :D and master will smile and say yep that's my kitty :o
I think about getting breast implants a lot more then usuall to be honest but it doesn't turn me on thinking about fuffoling someones crazy fantasy turns me on its weird..but I'm a weird kinda girl..
My master is really hot so I asked him..why doesn't he have like girls chasing him!?
And he said because girls don't want him as a girlfriend bc he won't treat them like a princess buying them lots of shit and never telliing them that they are stupid or never telling them that they look fat etc.
And I tottally understand lol but I kinda like a guy who will tell me I'm stupid if I really am being slow and won't hessitate to say I look fat in the dress XD even though its mean I like the truthfullness rofl its constructive critisim to help you grow..I've never really had a legit legit relationship prior to master but any relationship I ever had I was the princess in the day and slut at night lol it gets boring everything I did was always right even if it was wrong XD
A couple people said I would make an awesome bimbo I think so too but idk whenever I picture my master with a bimbo girl with huuge boobs it looks weird maybe he's not ment to be with a bimbo?
Friday, February 25, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Forever love
This week has been avergly boring -_- but meh today I am going to write a fun post yayy!~ Master has ordered me to write a post about date what would I like to do on a date where would i like to go etc. If you havent noticed yet I am quite a simple person copared to master whos complex so my list may seem a little bit laughable or stupid but its really what I want to do :D
(not in any real order)
1.I would like to donate blood on a date and after the date me and master can drink chocolate milk and hold hands walking around the mall :) I really likt this idea because donating blood can save 6 lives so when me and master donates it will save 12 lives and 12 is a special number to me :o I have many special numbers such as 11,4,12 etc. one day I shall blog about numbers
2.I would like to go to a place with lots of stars and lay on a car roof? or a table? or anything sturdy really lol and look at the beautiful stars while cuddling with master under the blanket..When I look at stars it reminds me of beauty and also I remember im not alone theirs always 10 million stars shining brighty :D
3.I would like to go to asia (idc where) and dress up in a school girl outfit and master dress in a school boy outfit and pretend like we just came from school ^_^ we would do everything that school kids do like go to the game arcades and kareoke bars etc. ^_^ I want to relive my youth and pretend that master was my highschool sweetheart *giggles*
4.I would like to play soccer aganist master! I guess this is more of a group date..but I would like to get a couple friends together boys vs girl and also get white tshirts and before the game on the grass we could decorate the tshirts with random stuff ketchup,mustard,soy sause :p?,markers etc.^_^ and after the girls decorate we will beat master at soccer yayy!~ (girls always wins in boys vs girls) but after the girls win the boys team has to do a punnishment for failing lol s punnishment such as having them do a dance for the girls ^_^ and after the punnishment we will all eat a lunch picnic style on the grass yummy!~
5. I want to exchange caligraphy artwork with master :D Master and I will both create a caligraphy artwork together but I wont let him see what I wrote and he wont let me see what he wrote and we will exchange at the end yayy!~ pretty artwork
6.OOO an alternative idea make pottery together!~ we will each make each other a mug I will make masters mug and he will make mines ^_^ so even when master isnt near me he will feel my warmth because he will remember how awesome mug making was
7.Inline skating!~~ Yayy me and master can go inline skating near the beach the wind will fly through our hair as we hold hands skating ^_^ and after we get tired of skating we can eat some yummy food I prepared :D haha (why does it always end with eating?)
8.Play DDR with master ^_^
9.Playing hide and go seek in a water park ^_o hahaha he will never find me
10.playing random games i make up all day ^_^ sounds stupid but I have lots of games I want to play and nobody ever wants to play with me =[
11.Karoke!~~~ yayy but only korean karoke ^_^ bc kpop rocks yays
12.Cutting up tshirts togehter actually to be fair I wanted to be a tshirt cutter when I grow up lol but cutting tshirts is fun and then we can wear our creation out
13.Racing down the slides!~ like..who can get down the slides the fastest..who can swing the highest..kinda childish games at the park I want to play games in the park yayy!~~
14.Rock climbing~!
15.Pole dancing lessons every week (hehehe ok this is a stretch)
16.Tango lessons ^_^ hehe I want a pretty red dress :)
17.Having a water gun fight and getting really wet ofc ill be in a white tshirt ;)
lol this is more fun with multiple people
18. Writing secret messages in invisable ink!! :D *giggles*
19.going to the beach chilaxxing..swimming and having a biggest sand castle contest!!
20.recreating the lady and tramp date ^_^
21.**I want to do this mannny times** Watch asian dramas while cuddling in masters arms eating popcorn and laughing or crying ^_^
22.Bungee jumping together :D
23.burrying a timekeeper box? (idk what the box is called anymore XD)
24.Lipdubbing a song together ^_^ it tottally must be the next viral hit!
25.Taking lots of crazy pictures everywhere ^_^ together to show like what master and me do in a typical day ;) and then at the end of the day make a cute little scrapbook heehe scrapbook making sounds fun!~
26.FIND ME TRUESSURE HUNT ^_^ gotta be a little creative with this idea..but I have to wait for master to find me at a place i pick but for him to find me i will send him clues of where this place is via picture msg.. exsample I send him a picture of a street sign...and then the next picture I send might be of the iceskating ring and theen the next picture I send might be of red lobsters...then with these hints master will try to find me and if he finds me we can continue our date together :D yay!~
Idk...just little ideas I have not a completle list but *shrugs* 26 is more then enough XD I want a simple love that loves hard and deep..ahh!~ only if such simple love exsisted
(not in any real order)
1.I would like to donate blood on a date and after the date me and master can drink chocolate milk and hold hands walking around the mall :) I really likt this idea because donating blood can save 6 lives so when me and master donates it will save 12 lives and 12 is a special number to me :o I have many special numbers such as 11,4,12 etc. one day I shall blog about numbers
2.I would like to go to a place with lots of stars and lay on a car roof? or a table? or anything sturdy really lol and look at the beautiful stars while cuddling with master under the blanket..When I look at stars it reminds me of beauty and also I remember im not alone theirs always 10 million stars shining brighty :D
3.I would like to go to asia (idc where) and dress up in a school girl outfit and master dress in a school boy outfit and pretend like we just came from school ^_^ we would do everything that school kids do like go to the game arcades and kareoke bars etc. ^_^ I want to relive my youth and pretend that master was my highschool sweetheart *giggles*
4.I would like to play soccer aganist master! I guess this is more of a group date..but I would like to get a couple friends together boys vs girl and also get white tshirts and before the game on the grass we could decorate the tshirts with random stuff ketchup,mustard,soy sause :p?,markers etc.^_^ and after the girls decorate we will beat master at soccer yayy!~ (girls always wins in boys vs girls) but after the girls win the boys team has to do a punnishment for failing lol s punnishment such as having them do a dance for the girls ^_^ and after the punnishment we will all eat a lunch picnic style on the grass yummy!~
5. I want to exchange caligraphy artwork with master :D Master and I will both create a caligraphy artwork together but I wont let him see what I wrote and he wont let me see what he wrote and we will exchange at the end yayy!~ pretty artwork
6.OOO an alternative idea make pottery together!~ we will each make each other a mug I will make masters mug and he will make mines ^_^ so even when master isnt near me he will feel my warmth because he will remember how awesome mug making was
7.Inline skating!~~ Yayy me and master can go inline skating near the beach the wind will fly through our hair as we hold hands skating ^_^ and after we get tired of skating we can eat some yummy food I prepared :D haha (why does it always end with eating?)
8.Play DDR with master ^_^
9.Playing hide and go seek in a water park ^_o hahaha he will never find me
10.playing random games i make up all day ^_^ sounds stupid but I have lots of games I want to play and nobody ever wants to play with me =[
11.Karoke!~~~ yayy but only korean karoke ^_^ bc kpop rocks yays
12.Cutting up tshirts togehter actually to be fair I wanted to be a tshirt cutter when I grow up lol but cutting tshirts is fun and then we can wear our creation out
13.Racing down the slides!~ like..who can get down the slides the fastest..who can swing the highest..kinda childish games at the park I want to play games in the park yayy!~~
14.Rock climbing~!
15.Pole dancing lessons every week (hehehe ok this is a stretch)
16.Tango lessons ^_^ hehe I want a pretty red dress :)
17.Having a water gun fight and getting really wet ofc ill be in a white tshirt ;)
lol this is more fun with multiple people
18. Writing secret messages in invisable ink!! :D *giggles*
19.going to the beach chilaxxing..swimming and having a biggest sand castle contest!!
20.recreating the lady and tramp date ^_^
21.**I want to do this mannny times** Watch asian dramas while cuddling in masters arms eating popcorn and laughing or crying ^_^
22.Bungee jumping together :D
23.burrying a timekeeper box? (idk what the box is called anymore XD)
24.Lipdubbing a song together ^_^ it tottally must be the next viral hit!
25.Taking lots of crazy pictures everywhere ^_^ together to show like what master and me do in a typical day ;) and then at the end of the day make a cute little scrapbook heehe scrapbook making sounds fun!~
26.FIND ME TRUESSURE HUNT ^_^ gotta be a little creative with this idea..but I have to wait for master to find me at a place i pick but for him to find me i will send him clues of where this place is via picture msg.. exsample I send him a picture of a street sign...and then the next picture I send might be of the iceskating ring and theen the next picture I send might be of red lobsters...then with these hints master will try to find me and if he finds me we can continue our date together :D yay!~
Idk...just little ideas I have not a completle list but *shrugs* 26 is more then enough XD I want a simple love that loves hard and deep..ahh!~ only if such simple love exsisted
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Only fools fall in love
Only fools fall in love?
I guess i'm a fool...being with master it is hard to not fall in love I guess he just makes you want to fall.I want to see him so bad right now I want to just hop on the train and visit him BUT his roomate might not be so happy to see me or see master with me...Me and master have been master and slave for about 3 months but dating for 2 months..Master never really asked me out but I consider christmas day our offical start of dating but master was in china i guess you could argue that we dated the day AFTER christmas
Even though only fools fall in love my master has some great advice on Relationships,Love and consentual slavery!
Master: let me define my full definition of love
Master: 1. I don't classify loves in romantic/family/friendhsip
Master: 2. I think that someone can exist in all three of those fields
Master: 3. when I ask you, as to whether you love master or not, it is love wholly or not, not love this way or that
Master: but love as a pure pure form, untainted and untwisted to "define" relationships
Master: 4. Love is an action, more than a feeling. Love brings many emotions, but it is not an emotion. "Feeling Loved" is an emotion however.
Master: 5. Love is to... invest into something else purely for its spiritual nurturing
Master: This is the love that I want slave to continually to pursue
Master: in its purest form
Master: This love is what extends outside and beyond then realms of necessary definition
Master: and is the love I want my slave to have for me
Master: It prevents definitions, and thus, limits on mediums of expression
Master: and here's my understanding on why relationships fail or break
Master: its when these "intended" channels of expression of love break down
Master: when say, a romantic relationship fails
Master: its usually because something was preventing the ways of love communiction
Master: distance fails because distance means less intimacy, and less flower giving, less dates and all that
Master: which brings the relationship to a level below true and complete love, but a need/wants bargain and exchange
Master: but that conscious effort is not to "keep them around" but to "invest in their spiritual nurturing"
Master: which basically means, invest into their spirit, to make them happier
Master: to make them laugh, worry less, and look forward to life
Master: My definition of consensual slavery
Master: slavery still nontheless, with truly few to no limits
Master: 1. consensual slavery is based on love.
2. the person who desires to be the slave, naturally sees the position of being a slave more better at spitual investment into another. A constant commitment to spiritually invest in someone else.
Master: 3. And that this love is so strong that they're spiritual investment and enthusiasm spreads to a level so strong that it overwhelms them, and thus, self sacrifice for love is their greatest source of happiness
Master: 4 - Rest. These are things like the kinkier aspects of slavery, which are much less love related, but simply the preferred mediums of expression, such as frequent sexual intimacy, superior level of trust and individual character to the relationship, and so on forth
Pretty deep right? this was on christmas day..I felt like he gave me the best christmas gift ever he gave me happiness and understanding I understood why relationships break and his love for me and what concetual slavery ment in his deffintion..I want a pure form of love doesnt it sound beautiful? the problem with me and master is thaat I fear that my simpleness and his complexness is not a good contrast :o I see the world as A+B=AB simple and logical but master sees the world in such a diffrent contrasting way so complex that sometimes I fear that my simple thoughts come off as stupidness or idiotic
but masters complexness is a nice contrast for me sometimes..sometimes it just sucks like we had a 30 min game of tic tac toe (really!) I put so much energy and thought into the game trying to outsmart master but after the game master told me to try harder and stop thinking so simple *Sighs* I put a lot of energy into that game I have NO plans to play tick tac toe with him for a long time when I play again i WILL beat him
Ive been thinking about my sexuality a lot I really want to define it
Girl+girl=<3 (Girl on girl is ok and maybe I would kiss a few girls have sex take a drink or two off their chest )
Guy+Guy= *giggles* (I dont get horny seeing guy on guy I think its cute :) and I start to giggle)
Mmmm according to my girl guy chart im bi :O oh no but actually I dont want to consider myself bi untill I kiss a girl and like it lol so I guess i'll never be bi because master would say....nononono to kissing girls ^_^
Doesnt this sound like the best porno ever...
Girl with DD boobs having sex with another girl with DD boobs?
Sounds like lots of squirting and boobies and nipples and moaning! Id tottally buy that ;) oh wait im staring in the movie!
There is a lot of crap happening in my life now which is fine I guess most of the drama has ended but erick (my ex since forever) is trying to get back with me NOT because he misses me NOT because he loves me but because he hates asians so I cant be with a asian boy or have a asian master WTF XD like really who hates asians? thats like hating 10 billion people lol erick is annoying but its ok he keeps me entertained not that I need enetertainment bc master is like so fucking awesome XD
Master wants me to loose weight and give a report every two weeks :o but im so happy I want to give a mini report today~~
My measurments
Waist: 34
Hips: 38
As of today 2/19/11
Boobs: 36
waist: 33.3
hips: 37.5
Wooo!~ almost one whole inch taken off in one week :D horrayyy masters diet consists of lots of fruits and vegies and water Ive been following it strictly even today on my junk food day i only had -ONE- small slice of pie o_o really? I wasted my junk food day XD
today Master wanted me to webcam and masturbate on cum but I wasnt horny wall I was a little but I couldnt get horny because I was worried about some anatomy stuff..I cant go on webcam again until master helps me with anatomy! I rather have my master help me with anatomy then have my other friend help me with Anatomy..more sensual :)
I love love love quotes..but I legitly found a quote that fit me perfectly and will now be my default info on my pages like collarme and such...
I'm sweet,but deadly.I'm not a mean girl,but I can hold my own.I've got the looks that kill,but a touch that soothes.I'm your best dream,but your worst nightmare,Worst nightmare you strangely want to be reoccuring I crave passion.I live for the moment.I love with all my heart.I'm everything you ever wanted and everything you will never have.
I guess i'm a fool...being with master it is hard to not fall in love I guess he just makes you want to fall.I want to see him so bad right now I want to just hop on the train and visit him BUT his roomate might not be so happy to see me or see master with me...Me and master have been master and slave for about 3 months but dating for 2 months..Master never really asked me out but I consider christmas day our offical start of dating but master was in china i guess you could argue that we dated the day AFTER christmas
Even though only fools fall in love my master has some great advice on Relationships,Love and consentual slavery!
Master: let me define my full definition of love
Master: 1. I don't classify loves in romantic/family/friendhsip
Master: 2. I think that someone can exist in all three of those fields
Master: 3. when I ask you, as to whether you love master or not, it is love wholly or not, not love this way or that
Master: but love as a pure pure form, untainted and untwisted to "define" relationships
Master: 4. Love is an action, more than a feeling. Love brings many emotions, but it is not an emotion. "Feeling Loved" is an emotion however.
Master: 5. Love is to... invest into something else purely for its spiritual nurturing
Master: This is the love that I want slave to continually to pursue
Master: in its purest form
Master: This love is what extends outside and beyond then realms of necessary definition
Master: and is the love I want my slave to have for me
Master: It prevents definitions, and thus, limits on mediums of expression
Master: and here's my understanding on why relationships fail or break
Master: its when these "intended" channels of expression of love break down
Master: when say, a romantic relationship fails
Master: its usually because something was preventing the ways of love communiction
Master: distance fails because distance means less intimacy, and less flower giving, less dates and all that
Master: which brings the relationship to a level below true and complete love, but a need/wants bargain and exchange
Master: but that conscious effort is not to "keep them around" but to "invest in their spiritual nurturing"
Master: which basically means, invest into their spirit, to make them happier
Master: to make them laugh, worry less, and look forward to life
Master: My definition of consensual slavery
Master: slavery still nontheless, with truly few to no limits
Master: 1. consensual slavery is based on love.
2. the person who desires to be the slave, naturally sees the position of being a slave more better at spitual investment into another. A constant commitment to spiritually invest in someone else.
Master: 3. And that this love is so strong that they're spiritual investment and enthusiasm spreads to a level so strong that it overwhelms them, and thus, self sacrifice for love is their greatest source of happiness
Master: 4 - Rest. These are things like the kinkier aspects of slavery, which are much less love related, but simply the preferred mediums of expression, such as frequent sexual intimacy, superior level of trust and individual character to the relationship, and so on forth
Pretty deep right? this was on christmas day..I felt like he gave me the best christmas gift ever he gave me happiness and understanding I understood why relationships break and his love for me and what concetual slavery ment in his deffintion..I want a pure form of love doesnt it sound beautiful? the problem with me and master is thaat I fear that my simpleness and his complexness is not a good contrast :o I see the world as A+B=AB simple and logical but master sees the world in such a diffrent contrasting way so complex that sometimes I fear that my simple thoughts come off as stupidness or idiotic
but masters complexness is a nice contrast for me sometimes..sometimes it just sucks like we had a 30 min game of tic tac toe (really!) I put so much energy and thought into the game trying to outsmart master but after the game master told me to try harder and stop thinking so simple *Sighs* I put a lot of energy into that game I have NO plans to play tick tac toe with him for a long time when I play again i WILL beat him
Ive been thinking about my sexuality a lot I really want to define it
Girl+girl=<3 (Girl on girl is ok and maybe I would kiss a few girls have sex take a drink or two off their chest )
Guy+Guy= *giggles* (I dont get horny seeing guy on guy I think its cute :) and I start to giggle)
Mmmm according to my girl guy chart im bi :O oh no but actually I dont want to consider myself bi untill I kiss a girl and like it lol so I guess i'll never be bi because master would say....nononono to kissing girls ^_^
Doesnt this sound like the best porno ever...
Girl with DD boobs having sex with another girl with DD boobs?
Sounds like lots of squirting and boobies and nipples and moaning! Id tottally buy that ;) oh wait im staring in the movie!
There is a lot of crap happening in my life now which is fine I guess most of the drama has ended but erick (my ex since forever) is trying to get back with me NOT because he misses me NOT because he loves me but because he hates asians so I cant be with a asian boy or have a asian master WTF XD like really who hates asians? thats like hating 10 billion people lol erick is annoying but its ok he keeps me entertained not that I need enetertainment bc master is like so fucking awesome XD
Master wants me to loose weight and give a report every two weeks :o but im so happy I want to give a mini report today~~
My measurments
Waist: 34
Hips: 38
As of today 2/19/11
Boobs: 36
waist: 33.3
hips: 37.5
Wooo!~ almost one whole inch taken off in one week :D horrayyy masters diet consists of lots of fruits and vegies and water Ive been following it strictly even today on my junk food day i only had -ONE- small slice of pie o_o really? I wasted my junk food day XD
today Master wanted me to webcam and masturbate on cum but I wasnt horny wall I was a little but I couldnt get horny because I was worried about some anatomy stuff..I cant go on webcam again until master helps me with anatomy! I rather have my master help me with anatomy then have my other friend help me with Anatomy..more sensual :)
I love love love quotes..but I legitly found a quote that fit me perfectly and will now be my default info on my pages like collarme and such...
I'm sweet,but deadly.I'm not a mean girl,but I can hold my own.I've got the looks that kill,but a touch that soothes.I'm your best dream,but your worst nightmare,Worst nightmare you strangely want to be reoccuring I crave passion.I live for the moment.I love with all my heart.I'm everything you ever wanted and everything you will never have.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Master says I tiptoe around him and I denied it but today I guess I realied that its true....
My life it feels like it is slowly I looked in my contact list...who can I talk to?who will listen earnestly and give average advice if I need I think mmm my best friend is in shambles my other close friends are on a trip and my Other friends I guess I doubt that they wud understand...I just want to call someone and cry and cry
the first person I should go to when I feel like this is logiclly my master my boyfriend..bur actually he is the last person I would consider going to not because he is my master but because of his general lifestyle there is always something going on or something and I refuse to be a burden to anyone! I also refuse to be needy -_- I guess this blogpost is a bit of a waste lol anyways This week he's been busy and stressed and I'm not another reason why master is the last resort is because I'm actually not allowed to call him even if it was an emergency XD
If I can't speak to master or to my best friend or to my friend who shall I talk to.....
I'm going crazy keeping everything in my head...
I really wanted to skype and forget all the probems but everytime master was busy or my computer was buggy..
Oh well I guess its fate
Oh fetlife is fun
My life it feels like it is slowly I looked in my contact list...who can I talk to?who will listen earnestly and give average advice if I need I think mmm my best friend is in shambles my other close friends are on a trip and my Other friends I guess I doubt that they wud understand...I just want to call someone and cry and cry
the first person I should go to when I feel like this is logiclly my master my boyfriend..bur actually he is the last person I would consider going to not because he is my master but because of his general lifestyle there is always something going on or something and I refuse to be a burden to anyone! I also refuse to be needy -_- I guess this blogpost is a bit of a waste lol anyways This week he's been busy and stressed and I'm not another reason why master is the last resort is because I'm actually not allowed to call him even if it was an emergency XD
If I can't speak to master or to my best friend or to my friend who shall I talk to.....
I'm going crazy keeping everything in my head...
I really wanted to skype and forget all the probems but everytime master was busy or my computer was buggy..
Oh well I guess its fate
Oh fetlife is fun
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Hokey pokey
Sooo valentines day is tomarrow!~~~
But I guess I got bored and Decided to post some randomness I guess
sooo today as maybe a pre valentine day suprice..I thought MMmm..what should I get master? ok lets get him a heart shape pizza with a pie!~ actually I was gonna order coke also but I was worried that if the price reached TOO high master might get mad anyways..I secretly order the pizza haha and hope that master has noo clue lol I Told hiim dont leave the house no matter whatzz and he MUST answer the would be weird if gdragon (his roomate) answered the door and got my surprice I might be sad =[ so anyways..he got the pizza and pie BUT the pizza was NOT even a heart shape -_- really...

I payed xxx amt for my pizza to look like this did NOT even get a HEART shape pizza..What the fuck! Are you saying that I payed money for a pizza that was not even a heart shape?? I called that place up and spoke to the manager and he swore it was heart shape..Heart shape my fucking ass -_- the manager said he would refund me and get me a new pizza etc etc. but what am I gonna do with a new pizza after master just ate pizza and pie *sighs* fml papa johns fucked up my pre valentines day plan
I masturbated on cam for master it was good I enjoyed it a lot!~
Master says my blog is so vanillla *sighs* he wants to hear what my mind says and how I think as a slave so vanilla posts are almost useless I need to post more bdsm stuf..-_- maybe ill post one non vanilla thing a week..OK lets start with this post :D from here on it will be chocolate (yay)
I called master today and he told me that their was many things he wants to change about me such as the way I view him my view on the world..the way I view myself the way I view him and how I feel when I see him etc.
Theirs so much things master wants to change about me I wonder if im not working hard enough as a slave..I want master to look at me maybe 5-10 years from now and think in his head..YES this is what I want all my fantasys all my desires..are all together in this one person I want to be with this girl forever
Thats what I want to happen to master..fufilling all his fantasys even if maybe its not what I want to do excactly or maybe not what I am into at all..I guess really I always had a fantasy about fufilling someone elses fanasy?
In my head it sounds crazy why would anyone want to change theirself to fufill another person fantasy o_o I dont get horny thinking about fuffiling someone elses fantasy but i feel a sense of happiness...some special person will have all their fantasys fuffilled..but even though I want to fufill fantasies I have a limit but its not a large limit..but it is a limit that would protect me from harming myself emotionally or physically
I want to give more control to Master...its hard because we are long distance but I really honestly want to make masters dreams and fantasys to come true im not scared of him changing the way I think im almost a bit excited..
But I guess I got bored and Decided to post some randomness I guess
sooo today as maybe a pre valentine day suprice..I thought MMmm..what should I get master? ok lets get him a heart shape pizza with a pie!~ actually I was gonna order coke also but I was worried that if the price reached TOO high master might get mad anyways..I secretly order the pizza haha and hope that master has noo clue lol I Told hiim dont leave the house no matter whatzz and he MUST answer the would be weird if gdragon (his roomate) answered the door and got my surprice I might be sad =[ so anyways..he got the pizza and pie BUT the pizza was NOT even a heart shape -_- really...
I payed xxx amt for my pizza to look like this did NOT even get a HEART shape pizza..What the fuck! Are you saying that I payed money for a pizza that was not even a heart shape?? I called that place up and spoke to the manager and he swore it was heart shape..Heart shape my fucking ass -_- the manager said he would refund me and get me a new pizza etc etc. but what am I gonna do with a new pizza after master just ate pizza and pie *sighs* fml papa johns fucked up my pre valentines day plan
I masturbated on cam for master it was good I enjoyed it a lot!~
Master says my blog is so vanillla *sighs* he wants to hear what my mind says and how I think as a slave so vanilla posts are almost useless I need to post more bdsm stuf..-_- maybe ill post one non vanilla thing a week..OK lets start with this post :D from here on it will be chocolate (yay)
I called master today and he told me that their was many things he wants to change about me such as the way I view him my view on the world..the way I view myself the way I view him and how I feel when I see him etc.
Theirs so much things master wants to change about me I wonder if im not working hard enough as a slave..I want master to look at me maybe 5-10 years from now and think in his head..YES this is what I want all my fantasys all my desires..are all together in this one person I want to be with this girl forever
Thats what I want to happen to master..fufilling all his fantasys even if maybe its not what I want to do excactly or maybe not what I am into at all..I guess really I always had a fantasy about fufilling someone elses fanasy?
In my head it sounds crazy why would anyone want to change theirself to fufill another person fantasy o_o I dont get horny thinking about fuffiling someone elses fantasy but i feel a sense of happiness...some special person will have all their fantasys fuffilled..but even though I want to fufill fantasies I have a limit but its not a large limit..but it is a limit that would protect me from harming myself emotionally or physically
I want to give more control to Master...its hard because we are long distance but I really honestly want to make masters dreams and fantasys to come true im not scared of him changing the way I think im almost a bit excited..
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Half moon
50th post
My 50th post is all about the bestest guy in the world!~
even though he uses big words
can be a grammar natzi
and is oblivious to GOOD music talents such as 2PM,2AM and jaypark!
Last night master asked me what was my perfect love story I explained to him that I wanted a love that consists of someone loving me more then anything else..A love that is pure and genuine I was a bit worried master wouldnt understand such a simple love story sometimes master doesnt understand simple things o_o He takes simple things and makes it into big complicated mess theirs beauty in simplicity....I wish I was a more simple girl that would be beautiful ^_^ a simple kind of beauty I wonder if I was a simple kind of girl if Master would still love me lol maybe he would try to complicate my simpleness...Master said that girls want a tall handsome rich guy thats a love story! but I was thinking about it and a tall handsome rich guy...But in the asian dramas the tall handsome rich guy is almost always the player or if not the player there happens to be some deep problem and/or they have a serious terminal illness :o but then again life is not an asian drama rofl Master said I was his perfect girl I felt so happy..He also told his brother a vauge amount about me even though it was really vauge I felt extra happy :)
I took an entrance test for college It was really hard LOTS of calculus problems rofl with no calculator fml >_< the test took me about 3hours I passed the test yayy!~
I really really really crave pasta right now yummm!~
I sung a song for master he laughed =[ never singing again =[
well then again maybe i would laugh too if he was singng an english song and butched every word rofl idk
Valentines day is coming up :)I want to get married on valentines day..<3
Master talk about going on dates with his past girlfriends but its really hard for me to picture myself going on a date since ive never been on one :O oh my lol
i wanna go on dates like the asian dramas!~ A date where we can put a tent in our backyard and eat food out of our bentobox rofl lol or a date where we go to the park and swing ^_^ yayy!~~or me and master can play games at public places ^_^
Even legit dates are cool but dates that are so simple and so little planned is super fun ^_^when I get my house I want to fuck everywhere in my house so i have memories of master everywhere rofl..I wanna fuck on the couch on the counter in the shower on the floor in the kitchen rofl you name it! lol
My 50th post is all about the bestest guy in the world!~
even though he uses big words
can be a grammar natzi
and is oblivious to GOOD music talents such as 2PM,2AM and jaypark!
Last night master asked me what was my perfect love story I explained to him that I wanted a love that consists of someone loving me more then anything else..A love that is pure and genuine I was a bit worried master wouldnt understand such a simple love story sometimes master doesnt understand simple things o_o He takes simple things and makes it into big complicated mess theirs beauty in simplicity....I wish I was a more simple girl that would be beautiful ^_^ a simple kind of beauty I wonder if I was a simple kind of girl if Master would still love me lol maybe he would try to complicate my simpleness...Master said that girls want a tall handsome rich guy thats a love story! but I was thinking about it and a tall handsome rich guy...But in the asian dramas the tall handsome rich guy is almost always the player or if not the player there happens to be some deep problem and/or they have a serious terminal illness :o but then again life is not an asian drama rofl Master said I was his perfect girl I felt so happy..He also told his brother a vauge amount about me even though it was really vauge I felt extra happy :)
I took an entrance test for college It was really hard LOTS of calculus problems rofl with no calculator fml >_< the test took me about 3hours I passed the test yayy!~
I really really really crave pasta right now yummm!~
I sung a song for master he laughed =[ never singing again =[
well then again maybe i would laugh too if he was singng an english song and butched every word rofl idk
Valentines day is coming up :)I want to get married on valentines day..<3
Master talk about going on dates with his past girlfriends but its really hard for me to picture myself going on a date since ive never been on one :O oh my lol
i wanna go on dates like the asian dramas!~ A date where we can put a tent in our backyard and eat food out of our bentobox rofl lol or a date where we go to the park and swing ^_^ yayy!~~or me and master can play games at public places ^_^
Even legit dates are cool but dates that are so simple and so little planned is super fun ^_^when I get my house I want to fuck everywhere in my house so i have memories of master everywhere rofl..I wanna fuck on the couch on the counter in the shower on the floor in the kitchen rofl you name it! lol
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